Chapter 1

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I've had this idea in my head for a few days. It's an Avenged Sevenfold / Synyster Gates Fan fic. I've never written one before so it should be fun:-)

It's written from the point of view of Ashley Sanders, Matt Sanders little sister (by two years).

Hope you enjoy it! :-)


P.S - This story has a lot of drug use.


I woke up with an awful headache, last night really did it's damage. As far as I could remember, it was a good night. I hooked up with some guy, I don't even remember his name, and got so drunk I had to be taken home by my big brother.

I looked on my bedside table, water and tablets. My big brother really knew how to look after me, and all I ever did was throw it back in his face.

I never used to be like this. I was once an A grade student, I had a bunch of great friends and a fantastic after school job working as an assistant to Jackson Mitchell, music video director. But that all changed when I hit 16. I discovered the 'joy' of binge-drinking and partying. I moved out of my parents house and rented an apartment with a couple of people I'd met at a few good parties. Soon enough I was hooked on weed, cocaine and heroin and was drinking almost every night. I was fired from my job and none of my friends wanted anything to do with me anymore, not that I blamed them.

I ended up with no money and out on the streets, the only money I did have went on drugs. Luckily my big brother lived nearby. He offered me a place to stay at his with him and two of his best friends. I guess he thought I'd sort myself out, get sober. But I didn't. I'm still hooked on coke and go out drinking at least three times a week, with his money.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"Morning, Ashley." My big brother, Matt, said. I could hear the pain in his voice from what state I'd been in last night, although he tried to hide it.

"I'm sorry Matt." I almost whispered. I always did this, I'd feel guilty about everything, but I just couldn't help myself.

"Don't mention it." he said simply before sitting down next to Zack and Jimmy. Both of them didn't look up at me. I knew what they thought of me. I poured myself a cup of coffee and went to sit in the living room, away from their judging eyes.

"Matt, you need to get her some help. It's been three years, it's really getting bad." I heard Zack whisper. I assumed he thought I couldn't hear him, but I could. I hated when people were talking about me behind my back. With my past, I'd built up some backbone and was about to go have a go at them, but I decided to hear the rest of the conversation first.

"I know, but she won't take it. You know she won't." Matt replied with a sigh.

"She's fucked up, man. She's spending all of your fucking money too. She's like a needy girlfriend, only without the sex." Jimmy said. I could hear the venom in his tone. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I'd once been best friends with Jimmy, then I changed.

Of course, being in Avenged Sevenfold, they were all known for their crazy partying ways. But none of them were half as bad as I was, and now Jimmy had some sort of hatred for me that seemed to be growing by the day.

"You mind not talking about me behind my fucking back? If you have something to say, say it to my fucking face, yeah?" I said as I stormed back into the kitchen, staring directly at Jimmy. His face softened a little and I could see the sadness in his eyes.

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