Chapter 9

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Ok, just a warning, this chapter skips quite a bit. I just don't want to babble on about things that would bore you, so I'm getting down to business. Hopefully you'll like it:3 If not.. well just tell me and I'll gladly add the boring bits-.- ;) 


I sat down on the chair in front of the two men. They looked similar, both had grey hair. One of them was wearing glasses over a crooked nose, while the other seemed to have a fake smile glued to their face.

"Hello, Ashley." the guy with the glasses said. I greeted him back with a smile and tried to stay calm as they conducted the interview.

It was a while before my interview was done, they asked me simple questions, one's I knew the answer to. They asked me about my past experience and was quite impressed with what I could give them references for. Though I thought the reason I was sacked from my last job might have put them off, they agreed to give me a chance and I got the job.

I was so happy as I walked back down the street to my apartment. Everything was falling into place nicely. My apartment had been decorated just how I wanted it, and all my things were set up nicely. Mum and Dad had tried to call me ever since I left Huntington Beach two weeks ago, but I had refused to answer, and I never told them my address so they couldn't come visit me.

I unlocked my door and stepped inside, the smell of fresh carpet still lingered in the air as I breathed in deeply. I locked the door behind me and walked into my kitchen. It was small, but it was good enough for me. I was the only one living here, I didn't need that much room.

I had a small balcony where I would go out to smoke from time to time. I'd stayed off the weed though and was smoking cigarettes. To my surprise, I hadn't been out on the town at night or even thought about drugs. I hadn't even thought about anyone back in Huntington Beach.

Actually, that last one was a big fat lie. I had thought of one person. Brian.

I missed him already. We were only sleeping together for a few short months, but I'd fallen in love with him. His perfect smile, his humor, his cocky attitude, his slobbish ways, his likes, his dislikes. I just loved him. Unconditionally, and permanently.

But I knew that I couldn't do anything about it. I'd only been gone for three weeks, going back now would be idiotic, and stupid. Everyone would think I was incapable of living alone. I promised myself I would never go back. Just like you promised yourself you'd never fall in love with Brian.. My brain spat back at me, as if I was telling myself to forget what everyone else would think and just go running back to him.

But I was far too stubborn to ever do that. I said I wasn't going back. So I wasn't going back. I was staying here in Sun Beach, where I now had a job, and the perfect start to a new life.

* * * * * *

I'd only been living in Sun Beach for three weeks now, and already I was going for my first day working at Sun Beach film studios. I was just going to be shown around and be told what I was going to do. Nothing big. I wasn't expecting to be doing anything major for a long time anyway.

The most I could expect to be doing lately is helping out with the directors orders. I guess I'd be like a servant in a way. But I was still excited to actually have a proper job.

"Ok, Ashley. This is Sharon and Ellie, they're pretty new too. They'll help you out when you need it and I'm sure you three can become great friends." the woman who was showing me around, Lauren I think her name was, said. She left me with the girls, who I noted were extremely pretty, and walked off to go do something I assumed was more important to her.

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