Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning, wrapped in the familiar tattooed arms that I loved. I turned around and looked at his beautiful face. He looked so innocent while he was sleeping, so carefree, so cute. I giggled to myself. He was all mine.

I soon noticed the huge pain in my head from the night before. I'd had quite a bit to drink, less than the rest of the guys, but still enough that I couldn't remember much. I walked into the bathroom and found some painkillers left on the side. I look two and swallowed a huge gulp of water to help wash them down.

The taste in my mouth was disgusting. It reminded me of all the times I'd woken up somewhere unfamiliar, a total mess, with no recollection of what had happened or how I got there. I tried to forget those memories. I was different now. Much different.

"What are you thinking about?" Brian asked, making me jump as he walked into the bathroom behind me.

"Um.. Just about how I used to be.. and how much I've changed." I said slowly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his head on my shoulder, looking into the mirror in front of us.

"You've change in a good way though. You're perfect now." he whispered, making my insides fuzzy.

"Nobody's perfect." I laughed, turning around to plan a small but sweet kiss on his lips.

"Not even me?" he said in mock horror.

"Not even you." I smiled, though a part of me doubted my words. He kissed me again, but with more love and passion. We were getting so caught up in the moment that we didn't see the door open.

"Less of that, if you don't mind!" Matt almost shouted at us, making us pull away quickly to avoid awkwardness.

"Got a hell of a hangover. Last night did it's damage, that's for sure." he laughed, reaching for the painkillers. "You okay, Ash?" he asked, looking concerned.

"I told you, I can handle it. I don't need to drink every night anymore." I smiled, happy that I could actually believe myself saying that.

"Good." he said simply before kicking us out of the bathroom.

* * * * * *

"THERE SAT SEVEN HEADED BEAST, TEN HORNS RAISED FROM HIS HEAD.." Matt sang out to the excited crowd. I stood at the side and watched as the five talented men of Avenged Sevenfold performed their hearts out to their fans.

Ellie and Sharon had come along in the morning to pick me up, but before we could even think of going back, Jimmy had demanded we come to tonight's show. And of course, who would deny Jimmy?

"They are so brilliant!" Ellie squealed from beside me. I couldn't do anything but laugh at her. She was dancing around crazily and singing along, not caring that everyone else stood near us was looking at her like she'd just come out of a mental hospital.

I noticed Jimmy look over at her a few times and smile to himself. I guess even he saw himself in Ellie. They were so alike it was untrue. Ellie didn't seem to notice Jimmy's obvious staring, and instead continued to dance and sing along to every single song.

"You should just become a singer. I've never seen someone so energetic!" I shouted over the music, laughing at her.

"Yeah, you have to be able to sing to do that." she replied, still not stopping from jumping on the spot as the guys played their last song of the night - The Art Of Subconscious Illusion.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there stood someone I remembered slightly - Jason Berry.

"So, thing is, you have to do your part. No buts. Matt said not to tell you until now. So go, it's coming up." he said quickly, pushing me out onto the stage. I looked back at Ellie and Sharon, who both had huge encouraging grins on their faces.

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