Chapter 2

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I walked the short distance from Brian's apartment to Matt's house, carrying my heels. I tried the door, but it was locked. I knocked hard on the door and waited for someone to answer.

The door swung open to reveal a half naked Jimmy behind it. He had a pair of shorts on and his hair was wet. He stood aside to let me in the house and I headed towards the stairs.

"Ashley, wait." Jimmy said, grabbing my wrist.

"Oh, so you're talking to me now are you? What do you want? Need me to hook you up with some coke? Because I'll tell you where you can stick it." I said sarcastically, each word stinging as it left my mouth. I didn't want to have a go at Jimmy, but I knew he hated me and I had to show him that it didn't bother me.

"Look, I'm not sorry about what I said yesterday. You are fucked up. You need help, professional help. But last night I walked in on Matt, he was crying. Over you. He was fucking crying because of you. He never cries, you know that. You're really hurting him. So I'm gonna tell you something, and I'm only gonna say it once so you better listen up.

You either clean up, or get out." he let go of my arm and I stood staring at him. Who the hell did he think he was? He wasn't my Dad. Fair enough it was his house too, but Matt would never let him kick me out. He couldn't kick me out of Matt's life. I wouldn't let him.

I'd never admit it to any of them, but I needed Matt. My parents didn't care about me anymore, I knew that. Matt was the only person who actually gave a shit about me. If I didn't have him, I wouldn't have anyone.

I tried to walk up the stairs but tripped and fell forwards.

"Ashley? Are you okay?" Jimmy said, coming back over to me. Like he cared. I stood up and he looked straight at me, as if he was looking into my soul.

"You're high, aren't you?" he sighed, not needing an answer. I laughed at him and walked up the stairs to my room. Sitting on the end of my bed, I thought about what Jimmy had said. I did need help, I knew I did. But I would never accept it. If I was going to get clean, I'd do it on my own.

I decided to take a shower, after last night I felt dirty. I'd slept with my brothers best friend, and agreed to go back tonight. At least this time I'd be sober, I hoped.

I got dressed quickly and checked my phone. 3 messages, and 5 missed calls, all from Reece.

7:45 AM Yo, Ashley! You okay, I didn't see you at all last night! Text me back!

8:30 AM Ashley! Seriously answer the fucking phone! You're worrying me!


I laughed at the last one, and text him back telling him I was okay and that I'd stayed at a friends house that night. Whoever knew Reece would get worried? He was known for being the carefree party freak everyone loved.

I went down stairs and sat in the living room next to Jimmy, who was watching some weird Russian horror movie. I don't even think he could understand what they were saying.

"Hi, Jimmy." I said, trying to smile but failing miserably.

"Hi." he mumbled, not even looking at me.

"I want to talk to you." I said, trying to get his attention. He sat up and turned off the television, then turned to look at me.

"So talk." he said. He used to be such a bouncy person. He still is, I guess. I just rarely get to see it. Instead I get the stern side of Jimmy, the one he uses only to the people he hated.

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