Chapter 11

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Ever since I'd agreed to go to the Avenged Sevenfold concert with them, Ellie and Sharon seemed to be excited every second of every day. I never thought anyone could have so much energy. Except Jimmy, of course, but I tried not to think about him.

I hadn't yet listened to the CD Ellie'd bought me for my birthday. I didn't want to. I was going to have to stand in front of the five guys who I used to be so close to, without them even knowing. I wondered how I was going to do it, walk through Huntington Beach without being spotted. Be at an Avenged Sevenfold concert without being spotted.

It wasn't like the fans knew me. Like Ellie and Sharon, they believe'd me when I told them that we weren't related in any way. They also believed me when I said I despised the band. But going back home, to Huntington Beach was going to be a challenge in itself, without having to see my brother and ex-best friend's on stage performing for their fans.

I'd only been living in Sun Beach for about 7 months, but I loved it here. I'd got two amazing friends, and an amazing job, and I hadn't been drunk since the time Matt found me on the side of the road. I'd had a few drinks while living in Sun Beach, and I had never given up smoking, but on the whole, I was doing amazingly well.

The concert was in a week. And to say I was nervous would be an understatement. In all honesty, I was contemplating pretending to be ill, just so I didn't have to go. But I think deep down, I really wanted to go. Just to see my brother. Just to see Brian. Just to see Jimmy. I think I even wanted to see Zack and Johnny. I hadn't been close with them since I was 16, yet I still missed them terribly sometimes.

I was laid in bed, unable to sleep, thinking about the concert. I decided against my own wishes, to put on the CD that Ellie had bought me. I turned it down low so I wouldn't wake the neighbors, it was 1AM after all.

The intro of the first song came blasting through the speakers. Even on a low volume, I could still recognise Jimmy's amazing drumming. I looked on the back of the CD case. This song was called 'Beast and the Harlot'. Trust them to write about hookers.

As soon as I heard my brothers voice, I teared up. I missed him so much. He'd helped me so much when I was in trouble. Even when I was little, he took them blame one time when I broke Mum's favourite vase while playing tig in the house with my old friend.

I was full-on crying by the time Seize the Day started playing. I'd written that song with Brian. My Brian.

Though I assumed he'd moved on by now, he was my Brian, and I missed him so much. I wondered if they'd credited me at all in the book. I hoped not. If Ellie or Sharon saw, they'd know Matt was my brother.

I read through the credits quickly. All songs written by Avenged Sevenfold, except for Seize the Day, written by Avenged Sevenfold and Ashley Sanders.

Oops. If Ellie or Sharon saw that, they wouldn't believe me when I told them that I wasn't related to Matt. They wouldn't believe me when I told them I hated the band, not knowing that I helped to write one of the songs.

The album seemed to finish far too quickly, and so I replayed it. I never looked at the clock, and didn't notice as it flicked past 5AM on my fourth replay of the album. Somewhere between 5 and 7 I fell asleep listening to the music of the people I used to be so close to.

The week seemed to pass by quickly, despite Sharon and Ellie saying that it was dragging. I guess they were too excited for the concert, whereas I was half dreading it, half wanting to cry from anticipation of seeing my brother and his band.

I didn't know why I was getting so worked up sometimes, there was a slim chance I'd be seen. An even slimmer chance that I'd be seen by them. I looked a lot different than what I did when I left Huntington Beach. I'd put on weight and was now a healthy size 10, my hair was no longer dark brown, and was instead a light purple colour. If you didn't look directly at me, you wouldn't really recognise me at all.

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