Chapter 3

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I carried on seeing Brian for the next three months without anyone knowing. I'd really done well with keeping clean too, I was still smoking weed every so often and I'd had a few of slip ups with other drugs, but I'd shocked everyone with the progress I was doing without any real help.

I still went out to parties occasionally, but Jimmy would usually come along with me to make sure I didn't get too drunk, or do any drugs. Sometimes Matt and the band would join me too, which really made me feel part of their group again. I felt that they actually cared. Johnny and Zack still didn't talk to me much, they still thought of me as the fucked up little girl that I was.

Jimmy and I had gotten closer over the past three months too. We weren't as close as we used to be, but we were getting there. It was nice to have a real friend, and not just someone I partied with, like Reece.

I wasn't in contact with Reece anymore after an incident at the club one night when Matt, Brian, Zack, Jimmy and Johnny came with me.

* * * * * *

"This club doesn't seem too bad, we could go in here?" Matt suggested as he pulled up into the car park of club Ice. I was excited, everyone was accepting me. Well, nearly everyone. Zack and Johnny hadn't said anything to me, I knew they really didn't want to go partying with me.

"No wandering off, either. You're staying with us tonight." Matt said as we got out of the car. I nodded in agreement and we walked into the club. It wasn't too full, there were a few people dancing and a few more at the bar. Matt ordered us all drinks and I we sat down at a table in the corner.

"Ashley!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and Reece was stood there, smiling at me.

"I thought you weren't coming out tonight?" he said suspiciously, clearly pissed off that I'd left him for other people.

"My brother wanted to come out with his friends, so I came with them.. sorry." I said, smiling back at him.

"Oh, I see. Well, d'ya wanna come out for a bit first? Charlene's got a shit load of coke, there's plenty for you!" he said, grinning. I was about to shake my head when Matt stood up and walked over to Reece.

"She's not doing that shit anymore." he said fimly. Standing next to Matt, Reece looked really puny. He was quite a tall, built man, but no where near as big as my brother.

"And who are you? Her father?" Reece laughed sarcastically in Matt's face. Brave move, but really not smart on his part.

"Actually, I'm her brother. She's not doing that shit anymore, so run along little boy." Matt said sternly. Fear crossed Reece's face for a moment before he turned to me.

"Wait, you're that guy from that band. Avenged Seven.. something? You're a bunch of fags." I noticed all the guys face's fill with anger, but gave them a look to tell them I could handle it. Reece turned to me.

"Seriously, Ashley? This is bullshit. You're coming with me. I know you wanna." he said, reaching for my arm and pulling me up.

"No, Reece. I'm not doing it anymore. I told you, I'm getting clean." I said, sitting back down.

"Yeah right. You told me that last time and you didn't say no when I got it, did you?" he smirked. I sighed and shook my head.

"That was a slip up, Reece. I really wanna get clean. I don't wanna be like this anymore." I said honestly.

"Bullshit. C'mon." he said, grabbing my arm again, roughly pulling me from my seat.

"Take your fucking hands off my sister, asshole." Matt said getting up in Reece's face, "She said no." Reece didn't take his hand off my arm and tried to drag me away from the table. I struggled against him, but Reece was stronger than me. Before I could stop him, Matt landed a punch straight in Reece's face.

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