Chapter 5

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The music was loud. Louder than I'd expected. It was making my heart jump in my chest. Reece decided that tonight was the night I would really push the boat out, and I didn't argue. Matt and the guys didn't even know I was out, at least I assumed they didn't. I had been quite sneaky getting out of the house, so I presumed they thought I was still in my room.

Reece bought me shots of all different alcohols, and we both took them as fast as our bodies would let us. I was on my second vodka and coke of the night, and after all the shots I'd had previously, I was very drunk. I could hardly see further that a couple of centimetres in front of me, and even that was all blurred.

"Since I've got my girl back, you really wanna party hard?" Reece asked, downing his beer and watching as I did the same with my drink.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked, not even thinking about the consequences.

"Weed, cocain and heroin. All three. All tonight. Right. Now." he said, getting closer to me with each word and pulling me up and towards the club's exit.

I was hardly given a choice as I snorted my first line of coke and lit up my first joint. It wasn't long before I was almost passing out from the mixture of alcohol and drugs. I was still conscious, but I certainly couldn't hardly see anymore. My vision was so blurred, everything was just a weird combination of lights and moving objects. My hearing was less active too, I could hardly hear Reece asking me if I wanted another drag of his joint.

He was pretty wasted, but I could see easily that he was nothing like me. I could almost feel my body giving up on me, but I didn't stop what I was doing. I knew I couldn't. Everything seemed to be getting blurrier, if possible. I couldn't speak anymore without throwing my guts up, and eventually Reece stopped offering me drugs and started asking if I was OK.

"Shit, Ashley, I think we might have pushed it a little too far." he said softly, rubbing circles on my back as I threw up into a grate behind the club where we were doing drugs with a couple of other people. I tried to reply to him but all that would escape from my mouth was the disgusting liquid puke that burnt the back of my throat as it came up because of the high alcohol content.

"We should get you home. But I can't drive, Ashley. I'm far too drunk, so we'll have to walk. Can you do that? It's not far, I promise." he said. I could only just hear the words he was saying to me, but I couldn't move my head to even nod to him, nor could I move my legs to walk.

I was slumped at the side of a road, unsure of how I'd got there, with Reece trying to get me to move. He failed miserably. I couldn't even communicate anymore, how I hadn't passed out yet I didn't know. I just wanted this to end. I wished I'd never come out. I wish I hadn't gotten so drunk or so high.

I wished I wasn't a drug addict. I dreaded to think what Matt would say when I finally got home. What Jimmy would say. He'd hate me again. They all would. I thought this as more and more sick came up. I didn't think it was possible to throw up this much, but I managed it.

I could see lights coming up ahead on the road, but I could hardly move from the curb. If they were going to come so close, I couldn't avoid being run over.

"Fuck. Ashley, it's the cops. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! We need to go or we're both gonna get nicked! ASHLEY GET UP OR I'M GOING!" he shouted, but I still couldn't reply, or move. I was paralyzed, I couldn't move without throwing up.

"Ok, I'm sorry Ashley, I'm gonna run. Look, just tell them you got spiked and you can't remember a think ok, you won't get nicked. I'll come back for you okay. I promise. Just be fucking safe." he said as he ran off.

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