Chapter 20 - Final Chapter

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Last chapter, guys! I'm gonna make it long, instead of dragging it out. It might skip a little, but I'm just summing everything up and leaving nothing just hanging or anything. Anyway, hope you like the final chapter! :D


"I don't want you to go, Ashley." Ellie said. She was stood at my bedroom door, watching my ever move as I packed all of my things, ready to move back to Huntington Beach.

I was planning on moving back in with Matt for a couple of weeks until I could get my own place. In all honesty, I was kind of upset that Brian hadn't offered me a place to stay. But I reminded myself that I didn't want to rush things. I was in love with Brian, and I didn't want that to end too quickly.

"I have to go. You know that." I said for the millionth time that week.

"It's too soon. Can't you just wait a while?" she begged. I sighed. I'd told Ellie and Sharon I was moving back to Huntington a week ago, and they still couldn't get their heads around it. Even my boss was more understanding. He even gave me a great reference to the studio in Huntington, so I already had a job set up for myself when I moved back.

"It's not like we'll never see each other again. I don't live too far, after all. You can come visit as often as you'd like. In fact, I insist you do!" I said, trying to lighten the mood. Ellie just stayed standing at my door, a frown seemed to be permanently stuck on her face. I hated seeing Ellie like this.

'Seize the day, or die regre-'

Ellie's phone rang out, but she answered it before it could distract us too much. She looked down at the screen and quickly typed back a reply to the text she'd gotten. She put her phone back in her pocket and looked back at me with the same expression on her face as it had been all week.

"Cheer up, will you. You're making me feel sad!" I said, desperately trying to get her to be happy for me. Before she could say anything, her phone went off again. I'd noticed that happening a lot in the past few days. She never told us who she was texting, but even she couldn't fool me or Sharon. We knew it was a guy. We just didn't know who.

"Who're you texting?" I said, a small smile creeping onto my face. I knew it was a guy, and I was determined to find out who it was.

"Nobody." she replied simply, replying to her text and throwing her phone on my bed. She sat down next to her phone and stared at me. I stared back.

"You know I'll win you in this." I said, not breaking eye contact. I was brilliant at staring competitions, I always won. She looked away from me instantly. Finally, I snapped. I'd had enough.

"You've got to stop being moody with me!" I almost shouted, standing up and making Ellie jump slightly. "I'm moving back to Huntington, my home. I'm moving back with my brother, and I'm gonna be living close by Brian, you know, the guy I'm in love with. And I miss my best friend, you know, Jimmy." I said, trying to get the message through to her that I needed to move back. I noticed her twitch slightly when I said Jimmy, but I decided not to say anything.

There was a moment of silence. It seemed as if Ellie was thinking of something, but I didn't interrupt her thoughts. I sat back down and waited. She looked back at me, and a smile grew on her face.

"OK, I understand." she said simply.

"Really?" I asked, skeptically. This was a complete change of heart. I wanted to know what was going through her head.

"I've been stupid. Even Sharon said so. This is right for you. I'm just being selfish by wanting you to stay. And like you said, I can come and visit whenever I want. I'm gonna come see you so much that you're gonna get sick of me!" she said, grinning at me now.

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