Chapter 12

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We spent most of the day looking around shops in my old hometown. I couldn't really concentrate on much though, considering Sharon knew about me. I wanted to ask her exactly what she knew, but Ellie was always making us go in and out of different shops she wanted to have a look at.

Walking around Huntington Beach made me realise how much I actually missed home. The beach, the bars, the clubs. I even missed the old guy who was always sat on the beach who greeted everyone each morning. The people here were always so nice, and it even had a familiar smell that I missed.

We sat in a cafe together after we'd been round most of the shops, just browsing. We didn't actually buy anything, and I was lucky not to have been recognised by someone around there.

The cafe used to be one of my favorites. Me and Matt used to come here after school when we would meet with our friends. Avenged even wrote some of their first album here. I remember having a coffee froth fight with Brian once. We'd been kicked out after, but it was fun at the time.

I tried not to smile at the memories from Huntington Beach as I sipped my coffee and chatted with the girls about how good tonight was going to be. I noticed Sharon look at me oddly occasionally, although she never said anything.

It wasn't long before it was time for the concert. By now I actually was kind of excited. Ellie was jumping up and down in the queue outside the venue, and Sharon seemed excited too, only she showed it in a less obvious way.

I was laughing at the way my friends acted when Sharon leaned over to me.

"How long has it been?" she asked. I froze. I decided the best idea was to play dumb.

"Since what?" I asked, trying to seem confused as Ellie continued to jump up and down on the spot.

"Since you saw your brother." she replied, also looking at Ellie, and trying to make it seem as if we weren't having a conversation that didn't involve Ellie. She never liked that.

"I don't have a brother." I said flatly, trying to make her drop the subject.

"I'm not stupid, Ashley. The reason you didn't want to come see them. The reason you went so pale in the shop the other week when Seize the Day came on. The reason you screamed so well in the car earlier. The reason you wouldn't agree with Ellie when she said Matt was hot. You're Matt's little sister. Don't deny it." she said lowly.

"OK, I won't deny it. I am his sister. But there are reasons why I left Huntington Beach, and there are reasons why I didn't contact any of the guys, or my parents since I moved. I really don't want to talk about this right now, and I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell Ellie." I asked, almost begging her to leave the subject.

"I won't tell Ellie. She doesn't like it when people lie to her, and neither do I. But I'm not going to be pissed off at you anymore. Not if you just give me the reason why you lied." she said. Sharon was so persistent sometimes. You really couldn't get much past her.

"Fine. I'm an ex-drug addict and alcoholic. I have been ever since I was 16. I was a total burden to Matt, my family and the guys. I had to escape, and then Brian wouldn't stop trying to contact me, even when I told them all I was leaving for good, so I got a new number. Does that sum it up enough for you?" I said with venom, acting as I used to when I got pissed off.

"Oh. Right. Well, I'm sorry.. I guess maybe I shouldn't have asked. But.. you know me." she laughed lightly. "I guess that explains why you won't drink much either, I can understand that." she said, smiling at me. She gave me a small hug and we were finally allowed into the venue. With Ellie none the wiser as to who I was.

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