Chapter 18

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I walked back to the bus as Ellie and Sharon drove off back to Sun Beach. Brian opened the door for me and I walked onto the bus.

I couldn't really say I was surprised by the state of the bus, as it had been only slightly better than this when I was last here, and they'd only just started their tour then.

"ASHLEY." Jimmy screamed, jumping over the sofa and running towards me, giving me a huge hug.

"Um, Hi Jimmy." I smiled. I was screaming on the inside though, I felt wanted. It was nice.

"Hey, sis!" Matt yelled, though he was next to me. He seemed to have just appeared from nowhere, and it made me jump slightly.

"Ashley's staying tonight. No arguments." Brian said from behind me, I almost forgot he was there. I turned and smiled at him slightly before he grabbed my hand and took me to his bunk.

It had a small pile of clothes on it that he tried to clear off before I noticed, but it didn't work.

"You're so messy, Brian." I laughed. He smiled back before dragging me to sit on his bunk with him.

"You're so beautiful, Ashley." Brian said seriously. I felt myself blush and without realising, I was trying to hide my face in my hair.

"You look so much better now you're off the drugs though. You're irresistible.." he said lowly, his head moving closer to mine, his hand moving my hair away from my face.

Our lips met and it was as if time had stopped. I'd never ever felt like this before. I just savoured the moment, Brian's lips moving in sync with mine. His arms found their way around my waist and mine around his neck, playing with the bottom of his hair.

I felt like we belonged together, I knew at that moment that we did belong together.

We moved slowly, taking our time to savour each other and make this moment last as long as it possibly could. He took my top off slowly, leaving kisses on my bare stomach. It wasn't long before I was laid in just my underwear. Brian lay above me, smiling down at me, looking like a complete god. My god.

"I love you." I whispered, breathlessly.

"I love you. More than you can ever know." he replied, helping me remove his top, revealing his perfectly sculptured body that I couldn't help but run my fingers across.

"You like what you see?" he smirked. I nodded at him, boosting his already overly-high ego. Our lips reconnected as I removed his jeans and threw them to the floor. At this moment, I couldn't care about mess. I needed Brian.

"You're so cute, you know." Brian said in my ear, his warm breath tickling me.

"Yeah, totally puppy-dog like." I laughed sarcastically.

He unhooked my bra and took it from my body, his soft lips soon planting kisses on my bare chest, and all across my naked body.

It wasn't long before we both gave in to temptation, and made each other our own.

* * * * * *

I laid in Brian's arms, tracing the tattoo's on his arms. We'd spent the remainder of the day just being together. I felt as if I was one with Brian. It wasn't like it had been before. It wasn't just sex anymore.

I actually felt something. Love. I loved Brian so much, and I knew it. I couldn't describe the overly-happy feeling that I felt. I couldn't keep the big smile off my face as we both relaxed together.

"I think we should get up. I don't really want to, but I'm sure Matt would wanna talk to you. And Jimmy would totally wanna wind you up. It's so good to have you back." he smiled, hugging me from behind.

Reluctantly, I got up and put some clothes on. Brian mirrored my actions and I followed hiim to where everyone was sitting. Johnny looked up at me and smiled, which was nice. I'd never been too close to Johnny, but he seemed OK with me being here, so that was good.

"So, what's the plan, Ashley? Are you still gonna continue living in Sun Beach.. or are you coming home?" Matt asked.

"I really don't know. I've got a great job, and some great friends. I can't just leave Ellie and Sharon, they're the best friends I've ever had.." I said, and noticed Jimmy looking over at me.

"The best? What about me?" he had a shocked look on his face, but started laughing before I could even reply.

"You're one of the best too, Jimmy." I smiled at him, making a smug grin appear on his face.

"Anyway, you're whole life is in Huntington. You can get another job, and new friends.." Matt went on. I shook my head.

"I can't. I like my friends, and I like my life. It's not that much of a drive from Huntington to Sun Beach.." I said, knowing that I most likely wouldn't be able to visit as much as I wish I could. I just didn't have the money. My job paid well, but it cost a lot to get a car these days.

"But you don't have a car, Ash." Brian put in, clearly taking Matt's side.

"Stop ganging up on me," I laughed. "I'll think about it, OK? I'd need to look for an apartment to rent, and Huntington's dearer than Sun." I explained.

"That basically means you're gonna, though. Doesn't it?" Zack put in, smiling slightly at me. Since when was he bothered about me?

"Well.. maybe.." I said, unsure as to what he meant. Maybe he thought Huntington was better without me.

"Looks like we really do have the old Ashley back..." he said, before practically jumping on me and giving me a huge hug. Which was weird, but nice. I really was better now, I was the old me. I wasn't fucked up, and I wasn't a little girl anymore.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Let's celebrate," Jimmy said excitedly, "Chinese and a shit load of booze!" he screamed.

"Jimmy!" Matt said loudly at him, "Ashley can't drink.... can you?" he said, turning to look at me.

"Yeah.. I can now. I couldn't at first, I guess. But I reckon I know my limits now." I smiled, trying to be convincing. Brian looked at me worriedly. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Don't worry. I'll be good." I said in his ear.


Omg, I know it's been ages, and I know this is short, and I know this is shit. But seriously I've got really bad block. I can't think of what to write at all! It's only got one or two chaps left now anyway, they should be up by this weekend and then I can upload my new story.

That's if anyones interested in reading it of course...?

Vote/Comment if you kind of maybe perhaps thought this was OK :-)

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