Chapter 5

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The sun rays shining through the blinds of my room wake me up in the early morning. I open the window to hear birds tweeting. While rubbing my eyes, I search for my clothes for practice. I change into those clothes and grab my phone.

It has been blowing up with likes and comments because of the picture I posted. I thought about deleting it but fans have already reposted it with our shipname. To clear up any misunderstandings, I fixed my comment under the picture with "good friends chilling!", not like that is any better.

As I sigh, I slide open the door to reveal Yurio walking through the hall. He stops once he sees me. "Morning." He greets me to which I simply nod. Walking behind him, we head to the dining hall where the other three figure skaters are. "The couple is coming!" Koji announces, making me glare at him. "No, Koji, don't you remember? They're only good friends chilling." Victor corrects him with the goal to mock Yurio and I more. "Just because I wanted to post a picture of the beautiful ocean." I sigh as I sit down next to Koji.

"Good morning." Yuri greets me with a shy smile. "Good morning, Yuri. At least one normal person." I greet him back and mumble the rest. As all of us eat breakfast, I notice how Yuri and Victor talk to eachother. Victor's eyes shine like stars, reminding me of the manga I've read. It can't be, can it? Victor's in love with Yuri?

"Oi, (Y/N), your face is red." Koji points out, making me snap back to reality. I've got to stop thinking about this forbidden yet wonderful love. "Are you sick?" He asks as he brings his hand to my forehead. I slap his hand and glare at him. "I'm fine, don't worry." I tell him angrily.

All of us finish eating and head to the ice rink where we start practicing. Yurio insists that he doesn't need my help, so I shrugg it off and start going through my own routine. "(Y/N), you need to move your hips more." My coach tells me. "Like this?" I ask while doing it. "Not enough. Try seducing me." He says. "Huh? Why would I want that?" I ask him angrily. "Just kidding, but..." He chuckles, skates towards me and puts his hand on my waist. " have to swing it from here." He explains. "I see." I mutter and he lets go. I try it out again but he shakes his head again. As soon as he tries to skate towards me again, Victor calls out to me. "Can you help Yurio?" He asks to which I nod. "Let's take a break." I tell Koji as I skate over to Yurio.

"Have fun, he's quite angry now." Victor whispers to me and then skates to Yuri. "Did something happen? Victor said you're angry." I ask him concerned. "I'm not." He says, obviously angry, annoying me. "Yuri." I call out to him, making him look at me. "When I used to do my routines I thought of things I wanted or things that I was curious of to achieve the feeling the song is trying to express. As for Agape, it is about how you love something unconditionally. There surely is someone you love, isn't there?" I explain to him while skating from side to side.

"Kind of." He says, making me clap my hands. "Perfect! Now imagine skating for them! I'll show it to you first." I announce. Since I memorised the first moves from Yurio's routine, I can do it without any problems.

As I begin to move, I get the feeling of nostalgia. It's been a while since I performed a routine with an innocent theme.

"Something like that." I say as soon as I'm not confident with continuing anymore. "Who did you think of?" Yurio asks curiously with a calm yet hurt expression which I have never seen before. Not wanting to tell him that I thought of the manga I am currently reading, I tell him that I thought of nobody.

Now Yuri is trying to do it like me while I observe him. I stop him immediately as soon as I realise that he's still angry. Thinking of a way to calm him down, I remember how we used to play tag at the training camp before coach Yakov would come. Smirking at the idea, I touch him. "You're it." I say and skate away from his as fast as possible. "Yuri is it! Everyone skate away!" I shout while laughing. "Huh?" Yurio exclaims annoyed. "We're playing tag, you idiot!" I shout at him. "As if I'd play such a childish game." Yurio scoffs. "You're probably just scared of losing because I used to beat you all the time!" I shout at him while smiling. "Yurio, didn't you hear? You're it!" Victor shouts at him.

Changing - Yuri Plisetsky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now