Chapter 6

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"Done talking to your mom?" Yurio asks me after I get back to him. "Yeah, sorry about that. Let's go into the plane." I apologise and walk towards the boarding.

Yurio and I are at the airport and are about to enter the plane that is going to fly us to Russia. Just now I talked to my mother who was really excited for me. She told me that she send all my stuff to my new appartment, so I wouldn't need to worry about buying new things.

Though I am excited about living in Russia, I feel bad for leaving without notice. I really want to say goodbye to Yuri, Victor and Koji. Because I can't do anything about it anymore, I try to not think about it too much. Stressing myself out before a eighteen-hour-flight would be not good.

We hop onto the plane and get shown the way to business class where we sit next to each other. "Woah, business class is so beautiful, let me take a picture. Say cheese!" I say while taking out my phone and taking a picture of me and Yurio with the business class seen in the backround. "My fans need to see how awesome business class is." I mumble as I open Instagram.

"You aren't posting that, are you?" Yurio suddenly asks worried. "I already did, why?" I ask him back. "People now will definitely think we're dating!" Yurio exclaims angrily, making me realise that fact. As soon as I want to delete it, I see how people are already reposting it again. "Someone should just take my phone away from me." I whine as I hold my phone in the air.

Yurio takes my phone and looks at it. "Why did you put 'flying to Russia' into the caption?" He asks me annoyed. "That's what we're doing, aren't we?" I snap back while pouting. I take back my phone and edit my caption. Now showing it to Yurio, I await his comment. "Better?" I ask him. "'Flying to Russia as good friends'. Your vocabulary seems lacking." Yurio comments, so I glare at him.

I lean into my seat and start to look out of the window next to me. We haven't even started driving to the take-off line yet. Taking the opportunity, I pull out a manga and start reading it.

"You're going to read?" Yurio asks me after seeing the manga. I nod but then notice that I maybe should talk to him instead. "Nah, let's talk." I say while putting the book away. He now nods and blushes faintly. "Isn't Yakov scary?" I ask Yurio, worried of how my future coach is going to be. "Nah, just annoying." Yurio tells me, making me laugh. "I guess I asked the wrong person. You never were afraid of Yakov." I point out.

"My Russian was really bad back then but you helped me out a lot." I mumble happily. "W-Well, it was annoying to see how you almost cried because you couldn't communicate with the others." Yurio mutters dishonestly. "Now that I actually studied Russian, you won't have to help me anymore." I explain with a small chuckle. "If you'll need help anyways, don't think you can run to me." Yurio tells me, making me laugh again.

I playfully hit his arm and continue to laugh. "Yes, yes, Yu~ri~o." I tease him. "Don't call me that." He says, annoyed by my constant mocking. "Okay, Yuratchka." I giggle, using his other nickname. "Stop it." He commands. "Yura?" I ask him. "Just Yuri." Yurio sighs. "Okay, just Yuri." I mock him before he actually starts yelling.

Never would I have thought that I'd get along with Yurio. He always was this aggressive little child who was way too confident. Even if he still is like that, he has his gentle sides that I discovered during his performance. I wonder what it would've been if he didn't get distracted by the jumps.

Slightly worried about how my life will be in Russia, I sink into my seat. I have still yet to find this yearning for a person but I guess this is something you can't find easily. Patience is the only solution at the moment since I can't search for love actively. Love is something that just comes by out of a sudden, you can't force it.

Changing - Yuri Plisetsky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now