Chapter 12

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"Woah, really?" Yurio asks Otabek while laughing. I smile at how he is enjoying himself with another person. Even if I'm not the one he's talking to mainly at the moment, I am happy for him that he found another friend. Once you befriend this young boy, he actually opens up to you instead of snapping at you rudely.

"Yeah, and (Y/N) always was at my side." Otabek adds with a smile. "It's because you were so so nice to me. I was afraid of everyone else." I explain, recalling the days in Yakov's training camp. "It's crazy how I don't remember you then." Yurio exclaims, leaning back into his seat in disbelief. "Since I remember (Y/N) really well." He adds.

Our group of three is resting at a restaurant, after having finished eating dinner. It has been nice to reunite with Otabek and to see him grown up. The last time I saw him in person, he was a thirteen-year-old, small and precious, and now he's eighteen, mature and handsome.

"(Y/N)!" I hear someone call, so I look into the direction the voice came from to see Yuri and Victor with Minako and Yuri's sister behind them. "Let's sit together!" Victor suggests and sits down next to me. I sigh but know exactly that I can't say no, so I slide over more to Yurio's side.

Soon enough, many other figure skaters gather for some reason, making it like a small banquet. Everyone looks at eachother awkwardly, not knowing what to say, the only sound to be heard from our table is the sound of Minako and Yuri's sister weeping in joy. "Aren't you too happy about this?" Yuri asks the two women.

"Why do we have to be here?" Yurio asks annoyed, making me hit him slightly. Someone starts ordering a lot of food, making me regret that I already ate. "(Y/N), by the way, I'm so happy to see you." Minako states after she has calmed down. "Me too, Minako-sensei. Thank you very much, without you I wouldn't have gotten so far." I tell her and do a small bow.

The food arrives and everyone, excluding me, starts digging in. I look at Otabek and Yurio in disbelief since they still can fit food into their bodies. "It's so weird for everyone to be here. At last year's Final, I was always by myself, even at the banquet. I couldn't even talk to Victor." Yuri starts telling us, causing Victor to spit out his drink in shock.

"Yuri, you don't remember?" Victor asks him quite impatiently as if something important happened during last year's banquet. Though I didn't compete last season, I was invited to the banquet and I would never turn down an offer such as this one. "Yuri, you got so drunk on champagne and started dancing." Chris enlightens Yuri, making me remember how indecent everything turned out in the end.

"It was disgusting as hell." Yurio says while glaring at Yuri. "But you danced yourself, didn't you?" I ask him, chuckling. "I was forced to! As if I'd want to participate in a dance-off." Yurio defends himself, feeling angry at Yuri.

As we continue to talk more about the banquet, Yuri gets more and more surprised at what he did. I recall that Yuri even started stripping which lead to people covering the junior's eyes. When I saw Yuri in that state, I was in complete shock. He was a person I admired and he turned into a pervert, of course I'd be outraged.

We exchange the videos we took of last year's banquet, causing some people to look at me weirdly for having videos too. Yurio calls me a pervert, making me hit him. "What's with those rings, you two?" Chris suddenly asks Victor and Yuri. I look at their hands and notice a golden ring on their ring finger. The only thing to presume is that they got engaged which leads to me holding my hands in front of my mouth to not let out a scream of joy.

"Congrats on your marriage!" Phichit suddenly exclaims while clapping loudly, making a few people look at us. "Listen up everyone! My best friend got married!" Phichit shouts, so the rest of the people in the restaurant start clapping too.

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