Chapter 8

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"Yes mom, I thanked Megumi-san for sending me my outfits. Yes, I thanked her enough, mom, I sent her two packages full of souvenirs and called her twice to show her my appreciation. No, I won't tell you my theme, you'll have to find it out for yourself. I really want to surprise you and dad. You both can watch, right? Perfect! Then...yeah, I love you too...bye then!" I talk to my mom who's on the other line of the phone.

Hanging up, I open my music app again and start listening to music in order to focus. It is right before my performance and truth be told, I am quite nervous since I haven't skated in front of an audience for a year.

Yurio and I didn't talk much after the incident during which I told him my theme for this season. I did try but he either ignored me or just gave a small reply. I doubt that he'll even come to watch. I really want him to come and watch me to realise that I have changed.

Yakov tells me to go outside and I do so. Putting away my phone and therefore my earhpones too, I look around to see the audience cheering. Just as I look to my right, I see Yurio standing there, taking me by surprise.

"Davai." He cheers me on in a monotone voice, making me smile. Happily, I step onto the ice and skate around, greeting the audience.

"(Y/N) (L/N) with her short program to 'Libertango YoYo Ma'. Her theme for this season is 'First Love.'" The host announces, making me smirk to myself as I already hear some people gasp in shock.

I take my pose and wait for the music to start. The first tone can be heard which means that I need to spin around and unbutton my dress to reveal my quite seductive dress. Many people gasp and then clap at the sudden surprise.

I continue by running on the ice for a bit until I slide and do the movements that I practiced with Minako. I touch my legs and slide up my hands slowly to my my hips. From there on, I swing my hips a little until I slowly bring my arms above my hands and then bring them down to point at Yurio. I actually didn't plan on pointing to him but now that he's here I've got to take the chance.

After a few other moves, it's time for the first jumps. A double axel followed by a single loop. The audience starts clapping and cheers again. I hear a few people whistle as if they were hitting on me which makes me smirk. Yes, this is exactly what type of reaction I wanted. Everyone should feel the seductiveness from the music being emphasised by me.

As I continue my routine, the audience claps along to the beat. From time to time I look at Yurio whose face shows an expression I haven't seen on him yet. It's as if he's impressed yet shocked but also sad at the same time.

The music ends, so I take my end pose which is hugging myself over my chest while looking to my right where Yurio stands. The audience stands up from their seats and begins to cheer loudly, making me smile. Does this mean that I've managed to achieve perfection again?

I skate around and pick up some of the gifts that are thrown on the ice while little girls pick up the rest for me. Now I head to Yakov who is smiling at me, surprisingly enough. "Great job." He praises me, making me smile brightly at him.

The two of us sit onto the bench that everyone has to sit on after their performance to receive their scores. My hands tremble in excitement but also in nervosity as I await my score. The score finally shows up on the screen in front of us, displaying the number "73.98", making me jump up in joy.

"(Y/N) (L/N) with 73.98 points for her short program. This is her personal best." The host announces, making the audience cheer again. "Thank you, Yakov!" I thank my coach as I hug my favourite plush that I always bring with me to competitions.

We head back to where we came from where Yurio is standing. He looks at me, still with the same expression from before. "Great job." He praises me, his expression fading into a simple smile. Feeling overwhelmed by all of these emotions inside of me, I tackle Yurio with a hug. "Thanks." I thank him.

Changing - Yuri Plisetsky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now