Chapter 13

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"(Y/N)(L/N) with "Liebestraum" by Franz Liszt. This season's theme is "First Love". She has told us in an interview that she has experienced love for the first time and wants to share the feeling with everyone." The host announces.

The audience starts clapping as I step onto the ice. I quickly fix my rosé dress that fades into a darker violet at the hem. The light in the ice hall makes my dress glitter even more than it usually does, reminding me of how the sea glistered yesterday.

Crazy how just yesterday Yurio and I were at the sea and then I broke the world record for the best score in a short program. It still feels so unreal. Becoming the youngest record holder in the history of women's singles figure skating is one of the greatest honour yet I can't believe that I actually hold this title now.

Smiling to myself, I take my beginning pose therefore I stretch my arms above my head as if reaching towards the sky. Looking at my arms, I see the sleeves of my dress which are tightly pressing against my arms to emphasise my long arms.

Are you watching Yurio? This is only for you, the person who let me experience many beautiful things along with awful emotions like jealousy though I'm even thankful for those.

Liebestraum starts playing. I skate towards my right slowly, stretching my right arm in front of me. Yet again I stretch my arm towards Yurio, making me think how funny it is that he's always the person I'm looking at during my performances.

Then I spin quickly while holding my hands above my heart, showing that the person I reached out to belongs in my heart. Now running a few steps on the ice, I hug myself as if wanted to be hold by the person I love.

The melody of the song gets more quiet, so I do I sit spin and the more quiet it gets, the slower I go until I completely stop and stretch out my arms towards the roof again. Slowly standing up, showing a hurt expression, I start skating to get enough inrun for a triple axel for when the music returns into its happy melody.

Just by my own performance, my heart beats faster as if I was with Yurio just now. This means that I achieved something beyond perfection if I can even make myself feel the emotions that I want to reflect.

Soon enough I jump a triple flip, followed by a single loop that is followed by a double axel. The audience claps once I land every single jump perfectly.

My performance is slowly coming to an end, meaning it's time for my spin sequence. The song "Liebestraum" slowly gets more quiet, so I take my final pose. Just like yesterday, the audience bursts into a clapping and cheering mess, overwhelming me yet again.

I fall onto my knees and start crying, feeling overjoyed by the fact that all these years of practice have finally brought me to this very moment.

Just like yesterday, I sit down on the same bench in the kiss and cry along with Yakov and await my score. The screen shows the number 142.71. Thinking that I need glasses, I listen to the host repeating the exact same number that I've read. This means I've broken another record.

I jump up in joy and pull Yakov into a hug. Shortly after, I take off my ice skates, hand them to Yakov, and run to Yurio who is waiting for me along with Otabek. He looks just as overjoyed as I do which makes me feel proud of myself. I tackle him onto the ground and hug him, making him laugh. "Congratulations!" He exclaims happily, so I hug him even tighter. "It's all thanks to you." I whisper though he seems to not hear me over the audience's cheers.

After a solid three minutes of me lying on top of him, hugging him, I stand up and let Otabek hug me too which surprises me at first but I hug back.

With a total score of 220.42, I come in first receiving the gold medal. It isn't my first gold medal but it's probably my most important one, not only because it's for winning the adult women's singles but because it's for winning with the theme "First Love".

Changing - Yuri Plisetsky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now