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With every step I take, I start to breathe more and more heavily. One may think that my stamina should be one of the best due to me being a figure skater which is true but not at this moment. I have been sprinting for a solid fifteen minutes now. Though not really sprinting, more like getting dragged behind someone who is sprinting.

"How much longer?" I manage to ask through my heavy breathing. "Just run!" The person holding my hand insists and pulls me harder than before. I probably shouldn't have asked. This person is very unpatient after all.

Who this person is? No one other than Yuri Plisetsky of course, who else? He is holding my hand, dragging me behind him while running away from our fans who really want to ask us about our relationship.

Though we officially announced that we're dating four years ago, many fans and reporters still ask if we plan on marrying. They once even asked if we were planning to have a child since they saw a small swelling around my tummy area. After I clarified that I was for a fact not pregnant, I got angry and immediately stopped eating Yurio's grandfather's pirozhkis for a while until my weight was back to its normal state.

Many good things have happened during these four years and I couldn't be any happier to have this grumpy guy in my life. I have won the gold medal four times in a row now, hopefully a fifth time this year, Yurio, Yuri and Victor always take turns on winning the gold medal, at least that's what it looks like. Yuri won it the year after he broke one of Victor's records along with Yurio, then Victor won it the year after, then Yurio once again and then Yuri again. I wonder who will win this year.

Finally after another three minutes of us sprinting, we halt at an alleyway that brings back memories. It's the same one when we were running away from Yuri's fans four years ago. Otabek saved us shortly after.

"I think we're safe." Yurio says while panting. "I hope so." I convey, wiping the sweat off of my forehead. "It's funny how we ended up in this alleyway. Now we only need Otabek to rescue us with motorbikes." I joke, brushing through my (h/c) hair. "We don't need him to save us." Yurio grumbles with an angry pout.

Deciding to go to a café since we're safe from the fans, we head to the same one as we went to four years ago. We both get the feeling of nostalgia once we enter. This is the same café where we found out about Yuri's and Victor's engagement. They actually married shortly after Yuri won his gold medal.

Ever since then, the two of them have lived happily together with a few fights. Although these fights are nothing major. They're mostly about why Victor didn't do the dishes or laundry. Come to think of it, Yuri's theme for this season is 'Disappointment' whereas Victor's theme is 'Apologies'. After asking them what's that about, since they live right next to us in Russia, Yuri declared he's sick of having to do the dishes which Victor didn't do. In conclusion, they're just an usual married couple.

Before taking a sip of the coffee I ordered, I heave a sigh. "What's wrong?" Yurio asks me worriedly, looking at me with concern. "I was just thinking about Yuri and Victor. It must be nice to be married." I mutter before taking another sip. "If you're so impatient then go to the guy your dad wanted you to marry." Yurio mumbles while crossing his arms, jealousy heating up in him. "As if I'd want to marry someone other than you! And we already talked through this matter." I exclaim angrily which brings a smirk to Yurio's face. "No one other than me, you say?" He teases me, leaning his upper body forward, so his face is only a few centimetres away from mine.

My father once forgot that I was dating Yurio, so he searched for a partner that would also be beneficial to his business. Once he announced this to me, I freaked out completely and explained why I wouldn't meet the person. He remembered Yurio and immediately apologised to me and him.

Changing - Yuri Plisetsky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now