Part 2 - Don't Get Mad

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I awoke to find Mrs. Weasley's face.

"Hello dearie, the boys told me you weren't feeling too great, it wasn't one of their pranking experiments was it?" She asked concerned.

As I was a test subject for their new products the question didn't really phase me. "No Mrs Weasley I was just feeling a bit sick and feel asleep I guess."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I feel... What's that smell? It is absolutely awful." Looking around the room as I sat up on the bed noticing I was still in the twins' room I prayed it wasn't one of their 'experiments gone wrong' or 'exceeds expectations' as they called it. My hand went to mouth as I ran from the bed to the bathroom that was conveniently across the hall. Emptying my stomach in the toilet, I leaned back and wiped my mouth on a towel beside it.

"Ari, are you sure you are feeling alright?" Mrs Weasley's concerned motherly voice that I had craved to hear from my own mother.

"I'm sure Mrs Weasley." She was not convinced due to my vomiting from less than two minutes ago. "Well I guess you're going to find out eventually anyway..." my voice trailing off at the end. My eyes falling to the floor as it suddenly became far more interesting than Mrs Weasley's worried expression.

"You're not are you..." She trailed off after a moment of silence. Not wanting to speak the thoughts in her head. My silence only confirmed her conclusion of the situation.

"I don't want everyone to know yet. He doesn't know." I spoke rather fast and she nodded. "I don't really know how to reach him..." More speaking to myself than anyone else. "We haven't talked in weeks. I haven't seen him since Hogwarts." My tears began again and Mrs Weasley dished out one of her famous hugs.

What am I going to do...?

Then came the question I did not want to hear. "Who is the father, Ari?" Mrs Weasley asked. To be honest it was a fair question. I just didn't want to tell my adoptive family the father of my baby is someone they would not approve of. Not one bit. How can I tell them that I have been sleeping with enemy? I can't, they'd hate me. I can't deal with this. Why did I have to be pregnant? We are the middle of a war right now and I am one of the most wanted and targeted people by the Death Eaters as I am the twin sister of the Boy Who Lived. I can't bring a baby into all of this...

"Ari..." Fred said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah..." I replied realizing I blanked.

"Who's the father?" Mrs Weasley repeated. "Maybe we can figure out how to contact him then." She added as I remained silent on the matter.

I rubbed my eyes and mumbled incoherently hoping they might drop the subject. Unfortunately for me luck just wasn't on my side.

I took a deep breath. Do it quickly.

"Don't get mad at me." I took a breath. Just say it now. You can do this Ari; you are in Gryffindor for Godric's sake. "It's Draco's."

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