Part 15 - Forever in my Heart

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We learnt that after the run in at Malfoy manor the rest of the Weasley's were in danger as death eaters found out about the fake Ron. Which meant they went into hiding, that unfortunately meant me as well again. The lucky trio were going remain at shell cottage, for as long as they could, before moving on to fulfil the quest. I on the other hand get to live at the delightful Aunt Muriel's house of terror. But at least I get my boys back I am still half on the fence about how good that was going to be. Twin 20-year-old boys who wreak havoc everywhere they go around my 3-month child 24/7 this will go well.

I met Aunt Muriel at the wedding last year, awful woman, no other word is appropriate when describing a wonderful woman like her. Think positive you will have Ginny there too. I missed Ginny she is my best friend, sister I never had. That's a bit weird since she and Harry have a complicated relationship where he broke things off to be noble and yadayadayada. You get the picture my brother is one of the good guys. A true gent who saves everyone, but who saves him? That is the question that haunts my dreams at night. The question that haunts me through the day. The prophecy runs through my head over and over trying to find a loop hole a scapegoat but there isn't one.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...."

Voldemort could have chosen another child Neville could have been the boy who lived but all those years ago he chose Harry. Harry would be the key to ending our suffering or the end of our world, muggle and wizarding a like. Why must this blasted war be fought by children that adult power hungry wizards started it seriously was pissing me off. I don't think I could cope if Harry... NOPE stop thinking that you need to stay sane. You have a daughter that needs you and a fucking war to win you need your wits.

It wasn't too bad at Aunt Muriel's if you only avoided the old witch at all costs. It was survivable. Ginny had joined Lily and I in our room furthest from Aunt Muriel's blessing I thank Lily for. Aunt Muriel is not one for babies. Particularly when they cry in the middle of night but I wouldn't want any other room.

"Ginny, what was Hogwarts like, with Snape as Headmaster?" I asked.

"Hardly ever saw him. He was always in his office never leaving only ever saw when the whole school was called to the hall for an important announcement but that was a rarity itself. It was the Carrows' you had watch out for. One took defense, the other muggle studies. They use the unforgivables without thought as punishment and even made us practice on first years everyone except a few, mainly the death eater families, would be the only to actually go through with it. The rest of us would face punishment together but we eventually took refuge in the room of requirement. Aberforth..."

"Aberforth... who's he?" I interrupted.

"Dumbledore's brother owns the Hog's Head. He would send us food through the only passage in and out of Hogwarts that the death eaters don't know about. It wasn't the best cooking but it was something. He would keep us updated on events outside as we never got mail. We even started up DA again to try and fight back if it came to it. Teach the younger students some real defense instead of dark magic curses. It is not the Hogwarts you knew Ari."

We sat in silence as I processed what Ginny and my fellow classmates have had to go through. They didn't deserve to be tortured. Forced to torture their friends, family. The people they have lived with for years. Children are truly the worst off in the middle of a war, it is thrust upon them to face for which they have had no role in, but they are the ones who suffer the most. Not understanding why mother never came home from work or why they can't go outside for fear they are captured by a snatcher. But the stupidity and idiocy of generations before deal the cards to how the world will be for the next generation. But to cause the untimely deaths of children and adults alike, to let them die for their mistakes, for their fucked up plans of how they believe one race, blood type is superior than their own purely because they have been told they are the crème de le crème. People are the same apart for physical aesthetics that differentiate one from the other but so is everything else. A red rose and a white rose are the same apart from the colour of their petals it is still a rose and no one thinks different of a flower. The red rose has all the same genetics as the white rose so why is a muggle, muggleborn, half-blood, half breed and pureblood any different. They are not and the sooner our world wakes up and see that the healthier our community will be.

Ginny broke the silence. "Ari why would Draco Malfoy pull me aside at Hogwarts and ask me how you are?"

"What did you say?" I get all giddy. He still thinks about me.

"It was weird. He wasn't himself. He seemed sincere. Not the usual ferret he is." She commented as she watched my face. "He Lily's father." My face must have confirmed her statement. "Fred, George told me not to bring up the father because it upset you but I wasn't convinced. I understand why you don't want to tell the world especially right now but he never asked about a baby. Does he know?"

I shook my head and revealed all to her. She was shocked by the time I finished.

"You have been dating for two years and you didn't say a thing." She looked hurt but it wasn't a question she was voicing her feelings. I knew she understood why no one knew at Hogwarts but she is my best friend she was bound to be hurt by the secrecy but I knew she would be over it before we knew it. She was just that that kind of person. I guess it had to do with 6 older brothers changes you a bit as opposed to 6 sisters. Makes you a little tougher than other girls.

"He gave me this letter for you. Just before Easter break. I am so sorry I forgot but I didn't know if anyone knew. So I was trying to find a moment alone with you but that seems impossible with your popularity around here. So who knows?" Ginny asked.

"Well, Fred has known the longest since my 5th year but he never told anyone not even George. He didn't even tell me he knew till I confessed my pregnancy to your Mum and the twins. I told Harry when I saw him before having to come here it was safer he didn't take the news well but he to be able to put it aside for now as I had to show him a letter Draco gave me on the night of Dumbledore's death. I think we are okay but I don't know what will happen if they meet again. I never told Bill and Fleur though I needed to try and keep the knowledge of our relationship a secret as HE could use Draco to get to me and then to Harry and I can't let that happen and I haven't spoken or seen him since that night." Ginny left not that long after that.

I opened the letter it even smelt of him as I brought it to my nose, it was like he was in the room with me. O I have yearned to smell him again. To be close to him. I opened my eyes and gazed over the parchment. It had ink splatters and scratches as he tried to find the perfect words to convey his emotions unspoken for so long. There were also a few tear marks that brought tears to my eyes and I hadn't even read his words.

To my love,

Until we meet again those special memories of you will always bring a smile if only I could have you back for just a little while. Then we could just sit and talk again just like we used to do, you always meant so very much and you always will do too. The fact you're no longer here by my side will cause me pain but you're forever in my heart until we meet again.

I know I can't stop you fighting in the upcoming battle we all know will happen soon. So promise me this, you will stay away from the thick of it. I don't think I can lose you. I will look for you at the battle and we can fight this bastard together. I never want to follow him you must know that.

I love you, Ari. You will forever be my always.

DM x

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