Part 12 - "HIM!"

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Harry's POV

Throughout Ari's whole speech my emotions and thoughts were all over the place. She has been through so much shit I never meant to add to it. I can't believe she managed to hide this relationship for so long. How in the hell did she manage it? I mean anything that is supposed to be kept a secret in Hogwarts spreads like wildfire through the place. From the way she's looking and what's she's saying they obviously love each other and everything. But I have a feeling I really don't like the guy or who he is. I doubt she would date a Slytherin but she is my sister so I wouldn't put it past her. She tends to see the best in everyone and ignores the bad. It's her strength and weakness. It can't be that bad I'm sure.

The more Ari talks the worse I feel. She even made me promise her I wouldn't get mad. Oh boy I really don't think I am going to like the answer.

She hands me a letter from him. As I take it from her shaky hand she tells me to read it.

To my dearest love,

I love you...I need you to know I am who I am because of you.

Should I really be reading this. I don't really want to read this. "Ari just tell me who he is? I don't think it's right that I'm reading this."

"You need to read it to understand." She retorted with a look I dare not question. I read on.

You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, I need you to know that every day that we have spent together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours.

I didn't plan on falling in love with you, and I doubt if you planned on falling in love with me. But once I saw you all those years ago on the platform, it was clear that neither of us could control what was going to happen between us. They say the best relationships are the ones you never saw coming. I guess it's true, you will forever be my always.

He seems to love her at least. Who is this guy?

But I don't think we can be together right now. Especially if HIS plans succeed tonight.

She said he gave her this the night Dumbledore died. Oh no please, if there is a god don't let it be him.

Everything will become clear eventually and I hope you will be able to forgive me once I can forgive myself but until that day I need you not to contact me in anyway as it is not safe and I think you will work out why, you always were too smart for your own good.

Even though I love you with everything I have to let you go is the hardest thing I will ever have to do but it is the only way for me to protect you. I will not return to Hogwarts next September, the reason will be clear and I think you shouldn't either. Just trust me on this, okay? Arianna I will never forget the time we shared and maybe if we survive this war one day we might possibly meet again. I hope we do and the light side succeeds. I leave you these words as a way to explain my feelings and the hope you can look back at your life without a doubt of our time together being real.

I wish that I could hold your heart,

Cradle it gently in my hands,

But my arms just are not strong enough,

To hold what I don't understand,

My eyes have seen a lot of things,

And I thought I had seen them all,

But the way your smile ignites my own,

Makes me think there's so much more,

These walls around this heart of mine,

Have stood collecting dust,

But it's as though you've found the gate,

That leads right to my trust,

I've never really liked my name,

But on your lips it sounds so sweet,

And your voice is my favourite song,

That's forever on repeat,

But even though I feel all this,

I can never let you see,

Because your heart deserves a whole lot more,

Than a broken man like me.

I love you forever and always,


I had no words left. DM. I could not believe my eyes. I rubbed them trying to convince them they had read the letter wrong. Ari can't love him. They hate each other Draco Malfoy. Draco fucking Malfoy is in love with my sister and she loves the slimy slick git back! To have his child. I don't know how to respond. I glance up to find her watching me, reading my expressions. Gaging my next move.

"HIM! WHY HIM! I..." I shouted.

"Harry I never meant for this to happen. You have to believe me. But I didn't get a say in who fall I fell for." She pleads but unable to control my temper I stand up. I had to walk away collect my thoughts before I said something I would regret. It was the only thing I could do. I heard Ari call after me as I walked towards the house. I stopped mid step before continuing to walk inside and straight into my bedroom ignoring everyone as I try and process the events from today. From Malfoy manor to Draco Malfoy being in love with my sister and the fact that she loves him back.

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