Part 20 - Kissing in the Courtyard

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Voldemort was dead. We did it. We won. Harry lived. I can't believe it. Suddenly, I was grabbed by the waist and spun around. I was in the arms of Draco Malfoy. In the middle of the court yard, in front of everyone. But I was done caring as the whispers and pointing of fingers. Grabbing his face in hands I pulled him close and snogged him senseless. His hands were placed firmly on my hips and mine snaked their way into his blonde hair. I missed this so much. Holding him in my arms. Breathing his scent.

There was a wolf whistle that broke us apart. I looked over his shoulder in the direction it came.

Fred and George Weasley were standing there, quite smugly.

"Sod off you too. Fred, Angelina went that way looking for you." Wiggling my eyebrows as I said that last bit. He took off faster than I thought possible. Draco took my hand in his and started to lead us away from the crowd.

I never saw Harry as we walked through the celebration of Voldemort's death. We walked in no particular direction just away from everyone.

"Tell me about her." Draco spoke once we reached the lake.

"She beautiful. Just started to crawl that was frightening the first time that happened. I turned for a second, she was on her stomach and the next thing I knew she wasn't where she was. She has mum's red fiery hair, your grey eyes, my nose."

"She sounds perfect."

"Lily is. She helped through our time apart. A piece of you was always with me. Even if it was kicking like a football player at three in the morning." I spoke looking across the water. "Lily was born on mum's birthday, 30th January. It felt like a sign you know and with the red hair I couldn't name her anything else. I continued the flower theme in her name though; Lily Rose Malfoy. It's not official yet so we could add to it, change it if you don't like it..." I babbled, his lips against mine interrupting me. We only ever broke apart for much needed air.

Draco left a trail of kisses along my jaw and sucked on my earlobe. A moan of pleasure escaping my swollen red lips. I was straddling his hips by this point, his hands massaging my butt as mine pulled gently on his platinum locks.

"Ari... where are you!?" I heard George shouting. I groaned as Draco removed his lips from my neck. Just as I forced myself to move away from Draco George found us. "There you are. Someone's asking for you at the castle."

"Who?" I asked annoyed I couldn't be alone with Draco to catch up on lost time.

"I think you should hurry, they are a bit impatient." I groaned I don't want to deal with anything.

"Fine but you're coming to." I turned to Draco.

We wandered back up to the ruins where the grand castle once stood proudly. George led the way. I saw people looking through the rubble for the fallen. George led us to the swarm of red hair and I noticed Andromeda standing there. My heart ached for them. If they were here, then that meant Lily must be too. I dropped Draco's hand and ran towards them.

"Where is she?" I asked frantically searching the Weasleys' arms and spotted her in Mrs Weasley's arms fussing. Mrs Weasley handed her over as soon as she spotted me and nodded when she Draco behind me. Lily immediately calmed and curled into my body. I kissed her head multiple times that we were ok and could be a proper little family. I caught Andromeda's eye I tears were already forming and running down my checks. She had little Teddy in her arms as he slept oblivious to the fact that his parents had died mere hours ago.

"I'm ok really."

"I'm so sorry Andromeda, they were too young." I managed to say in her ear as we shared a short embrace but it was muffled by our tears.

"Draco, is that you?" Andromeda spoke. I looked around at him and saw him watching my arms were Lily lay quite contently. The sound of his name broke his trance.

"Draco, do you want to meet her?" I asked walking towards him. "Draco, this is Lily, Lily, this is daddy." The Weasley's that didn't know (Mr Weasley, Bill, Fleur, Percy, Charlie and a few others that were close by) all gasped at the news. The others just watched Draco as he encountered his daughter for the first time. "Do you want to hold her?" he nodded in response but he looked nervous.

"How do I hold her?" he inquired.

I smiled. "Bend your arm and bring your wrist up in front of you. Yeah, like that. Support her head with your elbow and use your other hand to support her back." I laughed, "You won't break her. She's tough." I reassured. I placed Lily gently in his arms. He smiled down at Lily and it made my heart melt. Draco looked up at me and leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you." Draco whispered.

"I love you, more." I replied.

"Not possible." He countered.

"Do we need to help clear up?" Charlie asked after a while.

"No, well not today but we can come back another day to do that. We should all go home and rest for a while." Mrs Weasley spoke to everyone.

"Has anyone seen Harry? I haven't seen him since he defeated Voldemort." I queered slightly concerned.

"I think he went off somewhere quiet away from everyone, Ginny went to find him an hour ago haven't seen either since." Fred said.

"Oh. Well I think I need to lie down somewhere but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Lily looks wide awake." I moaned to Draco.

"Ari, you are welcome to stay at the Burrow for as long as like." Mrs Weasley spoke.

"Thank you Mrs Weasley, you are far to kind." I thank her, before turning around, "Draco, where are you staying?"

Draco pondered the thought for a while. I could tell he didn't really want to go back to the Manor, but also not the Burrow either as it would be uncomfortable. Where could we go? I thought for a while trying to think of a solution for the mean time. Aha.

"Draco, why don't we live at Grimmauld Place for the time being until we get our own place, be a little family?" he smiled, liking the idea of being a proper family. 

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