Part 14 - Memory

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My head against chest I could hear the steady beat of his heart. It was very calming and was almost putting me to sleep as he played with my long curly black hair. We were sitting in the room of requirement on a quiet Sunday afternoon. The rain has pouring down for days now. I lean up and capture his lips with mine and he quickly responds passionately. I move to straddle his hips and face him. My hands tangled in his hair slightly pulling it causing him to let out a low moan. I smile and deepen the kiss. Slightly grinding my hips into him turning him on. His hands went to my hips guiding the movements. I felt him get hard beneath me.

My lips left his and made their way along his jaw line down to his sweet spot just below his left ear. I sucked it and gently nibbled causing moans and grunts to leave his swollen lips. My hands began to undo the buttons on his plain black shirt and pulled it off throwing it aside. Draco lifted my top off placing kisses on my exposed skin leading up to neck. Moans left my mouth as I couldn't help it. I could fell his smirk against my skin. His hands slid down my thighs as he got a strong hold and lifted me up. He threw a couple cushions and blanket down on the rug by the roaring fire before lowering me down to the ground.

He slipped my skirt off with ease leaving me in my emerald bra and panties. He stared down at me and bit his lower lip and I let him look catching my breath back. He took his jeans off and lay down on top me.

"You're beautiful." He stated before gently attaching our lips once again. Each other's hands roaming the other. I felt him take my bra off and he started trailing kisses down from my mouth, to my jaw up to my ear and down my neck. I tilted my head to the side closing me eyes in pleasure. He kept caressing down to my breast where he took my nipple in his mouth and ran his tongue over it and began sucking. My moans filled the room as his other hand massaged the other. He continued to kiss down my flat stomach and proceed to place his lips along my pantie line. I groaned in process hoping he will pick up the pace. His lips moved lower to my inner thighs as his fingers hooked my panties and pulled them down. He trailed kisses down my thighs to my knees and back up again.

A loud moan escaped as he licked my length and began playing with my clit. His tongue constantly switching motions and speeds building up my climax. I tangle my fingers in his hair as he slips a couple fingers inside curling them as he pulls them out.

"Draco..." I moan. My back arching as he continues. "I'm close..."

I release on his lips and he soaks up the juice he worked for. I pull him and connect are lips loving that I can taste myself upon him.

I flip us over so I am on top and. I palm him through his boxers as are tongues dance. My mouth works its way down his chest caressing as it goes. I pull his tight boxers down exposing his throbbing erection and plant kisses at the base of the shaft before licking up his length and pre cum before taking him in mouth deep throating. Loving the moans from Draco's lips. As I pull back my teeth slightly graze his length causing him to hiss in pleasure. Taking him a few more times in my mouth, he pulls me up and flips us over. I yelp in surprise.

We look deep into the other's eyes getting slightly lost in them. He places himself at my entrance and thrusts in deep. Our moans mingling as we become one. He holds still for a moment then starts moving slowly. Our mouths connected he gradually quickens his pace and I lift my hips meeting his thrusts.

Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.

"Draco... I'm coming," I moan in his ear. I feel myself tighten around his member as my orgasm climaxes and I release over his erection. A wave of ecstasy hits me again as he rides his own, his head in the crook of my neck.

I feel him collapse on me. His head on my chest. We lie like that as we try to catch our breaths. After a few minutes he pulls out and pulls me over to lie on his chest. I close my eyes and welcome the feeling of sleep.

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