Part 16 - DA Coin

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I can't stand being cooped up in this house anymore. We have been here a month. Aunt Muriel's constant insults about Lily and my age and teen pregnancy that 'it is not what is done' are driving me insane. I tend to stay in my room with Lily its easier that way. We normally eat here too. Fred, George and Ginny keep us company through the day and evenings. There really isn't anything to do but Lily sure seems to keep everyone on their toes. She has started to crawl. Great for her not so much for me. The first time she had done I screamed the house down trying to find her. Fred and George make it the daily joke, I on the other hand didn't find it funny.

I was sorting through my trunk for something to do and came across my old DA coin. That was one of the best times. Starting a revolution against Umbridge. I put in my pocket so I wouldn't lose it. After packing everything away again, Lily was taking a nap so I went to find one of the boys. A burning sensation was coming from my pocket. I ignored it as I walked through the horrid corridor to the boys' room. The heat increased and I looked into my pocket and noticed it was the coin. The DA coin was activated. That meant one thing. The battle was starting now. I ran into their room to find them lounging about. My stumble into their room alerted them.

"Battle, now Hogwarts get the others assembled. I will get Lily. Tonks said her mother would watch her with Teddy. GO!" I shout as they scrambled to their feet.

I ran back to Lily. I had a go bag for her ever since we moved here just in case of this. I picked Lily up the best I could without waking her. Tears were building in my eyes as I thought this could be the last time I see her. I carry her down the living room where Remus is standing. He looks at me and Lily.

I hear Ginny arguing her case to let her fight. Before I would be on her side as her friend but now I am a mother. It changes your perception on certain issues. I now understand Mrs Weasley's need to protect her children from the world but I know Ginny will find a way to fight if it's the last thing she does. Remus takes my arm to apparate to the Tonks' home. I catch Fred's eye just as we leave Aunt Muriel's house that I will never return to willingly again.

"Remus?" Someone shouted as we entered Tonks' household.

"This must be Arianna and Lily. Oh, she is a beauty. Don't worry she will be in good hands whilst your away." Andromeda spoke comfortingly. I thanked her for watching Lily and she said it was no bother.

Lily had woken up after the apparition and I held her close kissing her head.

"I love you so much. I love you and mummy has to go away for a little bit to do something really important but I will be back soon. Maybe even with daddy." Tears flowed as I spoke. Lily looked innocent and didn't have a clue what was going on. "Mummy loves you, I know daddy loves you. I will be back soon. Lily I love you and you be good for Ted and Andromeda and be nice to Teddy, ok. I love you sweetie." I was a blubbering mess as I handed her over to Andromeda. "Everything should be in the bag."

"You know you don't have to fight." Remus spoke as we were outside their front door.

"What, sit home while my brother and friends and you fight to the death against death eaters. I don't think so. I am fighting for a better life for Lily. If I die in the process, then I know she will be looked after better than I was by the whole lot of you. I won't stay behind." I say with a tone of finality. He drops the topic and opens the door. I know he is just looking out for me like my parents would want but I have to fight.

"Remus, thanks for caring it means a lot."

We apparated straight to the Hogshead and headed through the secret passageway with the others. Once we walked the long distance we arrived in the room of requirement. 

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