Part 9 - To my love...

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To my love,

I miss you. I love you. Today was a big day. I wish you could have seen it. Today we welcomed are little girl into the world. She's beautiful. She has your eyes. When I look at them all I see is you. She has mum's hair. I named her Lily Rose, after her I hope you don't mind, they share a birthday as well it seemed to fit. I miss them too. I wish they were still here, to see me and Harry grow up, meet you and meet their grandchild. All I wanted was for you to be by myside through it all but I know it not safe. I can't come sooner the day when I can finally hold you in my arms and I promise that I will never let you get away again. I wonder if we ever think of each other at the same time? I pray for the day we can be together as a family will be soon. I love you with all my heart and hope to see you soon.

You will forever be my always,

Aria xx


I folded the letter up after the ink had dried placed it in an envelope and stashed it in the wooden box under the bed. I felt as if Draco should experience these moments in sort of way too. The only way I could think of was to write him a letter every couple of days to tell the things I normally would when we would secretly meet at Hogwarts. Lily began to cry. Why does she cry all the time? How I am supposed to know what she needs. The books never tell you how to tell. It can't be that hard to work out. I pick her up and hold her close.

I rub her back in soothing circles trying to calm her first to see if that works while my brain tries to think of what to do. Right what did Mrs Weasley say again... Check if she is hungry, nappy or... burp I think. I smell her nappy to see but that seems normal. Must need a feed. I sit down and get comfy in the arm chair in the corner by the window that looks over the garden out into the ocean. I take my arm out of vest and pull it down as modestly as I can manage and Lily latches. I just watch finding the whole process as she holds tightly on to my finger. I can't believe she is mine. That she spent the last 9 months growing inside me. The whole thing was surreal. 

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