First Day of Tour Rehearsals: Part 2

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Jenna's POV

I'm sitting on the couch, on my phone, waiting for Mandy to finish talking to Val, when I hear "Jenna!" A female voice say.

"Yea?" I question, looking up. To find Brittney and Hayley standing in front of me.

"What do you think Mandy and Val are talking about!" Britt says hinting at mine and Val's dances. Not to mention, Val's hip hop representing Brooklyn that he wants me to be his partner in! That he has to ask me, otherwise I won't answer.

"Dances." I brush off.

"Well, DUH!" Hayley sarcastically says. "Where do you think we are!"

"At the studio." I play dumb.

"Come on. Jenna!" Brittney says getting annoying. "You're smarter than this."

"I know. I know. I know.... Come on girls! What do you think they are talking about?! It's obvious." I respond. "Mandy is probably just informing him about my answer and the dances that we are paired together for." I say calmly.

"How are you so calm?" Brittney says surprised. "I mean this is your ex."

"Cause I don't have a choice and we are both still professional." I say trying to avoid answer the question.

"Come on Jenna! You know you still like him." Hayley tries to pry out of me.

"Whatever." I say going back on my phone. Just when, I thought I was gonna loose my mind from the interrogation, I hear the door opening. I look up and see Val walking through the door. Then a couple of seconds of I see Mandy walk through.

"Sorry about that slight delay." Mandy apologizes. " Everyone, we're gonna work on the opening routine. Get in your places."

*Skip to the End of the Day*

After a long 10 hour day, we are finally finished with rehearsals and I'm getting ready leave, when I here someone walking around behind me. I turn around and find Val approaching me.

"Oh, hey." I say, getting his attention.

"Sup." Val responds.

"Whatcha doin?" I ask grabbing my stuff and walking toward the door.

"Nothin, but I need to talk to you." He says following me and putting his hand on the shoulder.

"Ok. Where do you wanna talk?" I say, stopping and turning to face Val.

"Do you wanna eat at my place tonight?" He asks me.

"Well, we both have to shower, cause we have been dancing all day and we have been sweating our asses off. So maybe 8:30?" I say looking at the time on my phone. "I mean, it's 7:45 so if I get home at 8 and shower in 15 minutes, I could be at your house by then."

"Sounds good. Need help?" He asks me, grabbing my bags.

"Thanks. My car is in my normal spot." I say walking towards the door and opening the it for Val.

"Thank you ma lady." A Brooklyn accent says.

"You're welcome. Here it is." I say slightly laughing and unlocking my car to the passenger's side door. God, I've missed that sense of humor. I think to myself.

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