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Jenna's POV

"Hey Val." I call to him, who is sitting at his kitchen table, while I'm relaxing on the couch.

"Yes babe?" Val walks over, and sits next to me on the couch.

"I wanna do the Q&A for my blog today, so I time to edit and post it tomorrow." I sit up. "Especially because it's been two weeks since I posted anything on my blog."

"I know baby, we just been so busy with rehearsals for tour." Val reminds me. "Anyway, wanna do it now?"

"I know, I love dancing but I really wanna put this content out there for our fans. So yeah, let's do it now! Will you grab me my laptop?" I ask Val.

"Sure." Val stands up and surveys the room. "Where is it?"

"I think it is in your bedroom. I was using it, before I went to sleep last night." I say. "Oh and can I use your phone to look up questions on Twitter?"

"Sure baby. Whatever you want." Val says, before going into his room.

While he's gone, I go on Instagram and find some of my favorite questions, I want to answer. Then when he comes back, I open a Google doc and activate the voice typer. While Val goes onto Twitter, to find questions. using the hashtag #JennaQnA.

Two and a half hours later, Val and I finally finish answering all the questions we wanted to. Some of the questions only required a very simple answer, where others required us to go on, what seemed like, forever.

After, Val decides to make us some dinner, while I decide to start editing.

After 3 more hours of editing, eating, tv watching, and procrastinating, I finally come to place where I'm happy with the writing part of the blog.

I ended up with:


Hey guys! I know I promised you guys a Q&A from me and Val and I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been so busy with rehearsals for the Dancing with the Stars We Came to Dance Tour. Which if you hadn't already, buy tickets. You get to see us live and maybe meet us 😜 Just go to dwtstour.com for more information and tickets details.

Anyway, getting back on track, let's get back to what I was saying. I know you guys still had a lot of questions after ready Our Story, so I hope this answers most questions. So let's hop right into the Q&A.

1. Who was more obvious in liking the other person?

Val: That's hard. Since, we work around a lot of attractive people and calling someone "Babe"  or saying "I love you" is not a big indicator of who you are attracted.  Plus, we became really good friends before we started dating and we weren't overly affectionate. But, if I had to choose one of us, I would have to say Jenna, sorry babe, because before we really got to know one another, like the first few times we met, she was really quiet and whispering with Britt, Wit, or Lindsay.

Jenna: As much as hate to admit it, I have to agree with Val. I have always liked him, even before I was on DWTS. So when I finally met you, Val, I was star struck. Not to mention, he is really hot and attractive. But once I got the know the true Val, I  was falling for him. Despite his alleged 'player' ways.

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