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Jenna's POV

It's a little past 5:30, on a Saturday night and I'm getting ready for dinner with Val, Maks, Peta, Shai, Larisa and a couple of family friends.

Val invited me to go, a couple of days ago. We've been slowing rebuilding our relationship ever since he and Amber broke up.

I was very conflicted whether I wanted to go or not. I didn't want to send Val the wrong message, and make him think we were getting back together right away. I mean, he did break my heart and put me through hell. I honestly don't know why I agreed to go to this dinner, but I still love Val, I always have and I still believe he could be the one for me. I just hope I'm making the right decision, I can't get my heart broken by Val again.

"Hey Britt." I call out to her, from my room.

"Yes Jen?" Britt says, coming into my room.

"Am I making the right decision?" I ask, looking over my outfit for the 3rd time. "Going to this dinner?"

"You know, Jen. I think you are doing what's best for you and that's all you can do. At some point in time, you need to be selfish and only think about you." My roommate tells me. "And if this is what you want for yourself, then I fully support it."

"Thank you Brittany." I say, hugging my best friend.

"Of course Jenna. I'll always be there for you." Brittney says, helping me grab my stuff.

"You know what Britt?" I say, stopping what I'm doing to look Brittany in her eyes.

"What Jen?" My bestie says, looking at me, in my eyes.

"This is what I want. I want Val back as my boyfriend, lover and best friend. I want his family to be my in-laws. I want my family to love him just like I do, again. I want to get back to that great place I was at with him, before we broke up. And ultimately, yes, I want him to be my husband and the father of my children." I confess, getting emotional. "But I don't think I could handle getting my heartbroken again."

"Oh Jenna!" Brittany rushes to my side to comfort me. "Everything will turn out as it is intended."

"Thank you Brittany! You always know just what to say." I hug her again.

"Okay Jenna." Brittany says, breaking the hug, getting all serious. "If this is what you want, then you need to go get it. And this -- just sitting and talking about it -- is not how you're going to get it."

"You're right Britt." I agree, getting on my feet, putting my purse on my shoulder and wiping my face dry. "I need to go anyway."

"Alright. Go get what you want, but don't let Val manipulate you." Britt pulls me towards the front door.

"I won't. Thank you Brittany." I hug my bestie one last time, before walking out the front door.

Once I get into my car, I text Val to let him know that I'm leave.

Jenna: Hey I'm leaving now. I should get there in about 15-20 minutes.

Val: Me too. See you soon 😘

*Skip to the Restaurant*

I just parked the car, and I'm walking up to restaurant when I spot Val, also walking up.

"Hey Jen. Wait up." Val jogs up to catch up with me.

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