i don't want a mate

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"Have a good day, sweetie. Love you!" My mothers tells me as I step out of her BMW, and I blow her a cheesy kiss before trotting into my high school.

I walk up the long, excrutiating stairs, towards my locker on the third floor of my school. Walking past the several stereotypes of high school never gets old. I smile at a few familiar faces until I finally reach my locker.

I punch in the code and open it up, welcomed by the scent of oranges from the body spray I keep in there. Smelly lockers suck. I grab my science textbook and english binder before I slam it shut. 

The now shut locker door reveals one of my closest friend, Nataly with a creepy grin on her face.

"Geez, Nat. Trying to kill me, are you?" I ask her as I jump back slightly. I'm jumpy in the morning and she knows that.

"Happy early birthday, girl!!" She shouts out and I roll my eyes at her as she completely ignores what I said earlier.

"Thanks, love but that's still not for another three days." I correct her politely and she smacks my arm.

"It's still your last day of freedom before you find your mate and I have a plan to celebrate it!" She tells me and I groan. Whenever Nat has a 'plan', it usually ends up with me intoxicated and in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Once it got as far as us trapped in a room with seven, lustful rogues and we had to pretend to start barfing in order to get out of the room. I decide that I'm not going to relive any of those moments and so I reject the offer.

"Sorry, I've got a test the day of my birthday so I can't waste any time!" I smile at her evilly as I've found a way out of her plotting and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Stop being lame and get out of your house!"

Another eye roll.

"Ouch!" I shriek as she pinches my arm roughly. She sends me a fake smile and I giggle at her. Before I can say anything the bell rings and we both hug each other, before going to our classes.


"Hey girls." I greet my friends at lunch as I sit down at my usual lunch table.

"Hey, Dakota!" A few pipe up and I smile. I pull out my regular spinach salad and veggie burger. Yes, a veggie burger. A vegetarian werewolf is not the most uncommon thing in the world. Just because I am capable of shape-shifting into an intimidating wolf, does not mean I am a ruthless beast.

Well some wolves are. Most Alphas need to be ferocious as they are pack leaders and have to do what ever they need to, in order to protect their people. Some Alphas are extreme and kill of their own kind for no reason.

Take Alpha Logan Beckett, Alpha of the Steel pack...also known as my pack's biggest threat. He is the most terrifying Alpha out there, and he is only 21 years old. It makes absolutely no sense but there are rumours as to how he got his title at such a young age. He killed his father, killed his mate to absorb her power, deals with witches, deals with drugs. The lists are endless but I chose to ignore the rumours. He's a person and I can't judge him for other people's assumptions.

Plus I'm terrified by him.

Every pack in North America is named after some sort of metal or industrial substance. I'm not too sure why but our ancestors did it and so we continue the tradition. My pack is the pack of Gold and our biggest enemy is the Steel pack. I'm not too sure why but again, it's ancient.

As I focus on eating my food slowly, one of my friend punches me in the leg and I turn to glare at her.

"Cynthia what the-" I stop mid way as I see what she is pointing at.

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