alpha stefan

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wow....its been literal YEARS! hi everyone. I never thought i'd write these every again, but its been so boring in quarantine and htis honestly releases so much serotonin for me that i just decided to do it. 

im sure u guys really dont care abt my personal life so let's get this started back up! here's Alpha Logan continued : )



Thankfully I only pass out for a moment, and by the time my father returns in the house, I'm awake. I feel disgusting though, so I decide to grab some food and drink some water. I throw a lemon into a huge jug of ice water- I've seen a lot of mortals do that on Instagram. I throw a grilled cheese together and wolf it down, before my dad walks into the room.

"Dakota we have to talk." He says and I lower my eyes as I purse my lips. 

"About what?" Knowing damn well he's gonna bring up that interaction. The sparks between Stefan and I were clear as day. 

"Alpha Stefan." I inhale sharply, "What do you think of him as an ally?" And I exhale in relief. I see him smirk.

"As if that's what I'm asking you. Obviously I'm using him as an ally, how dumb do you think I am?" He chuckles and I chew on my lip. 

"Okay, yea...It was weird I will admit that. But I don't know what happened. Maybe he just thinks I'm really pretty or something?" I try and he raises an eyebrow at me and rolls his eyes. 

"Fine." I bite my lip as I try to gather the courage to tell my dad what Bella revealed to me earlier. "Bella thinks he's my second mate." 

I watch as the colour drains from my dad's face and he looks more shocked than I'd ever seen in my life. "I had a feeling." 

"I'm so confused, Papa. I didn't realize second mates were a thing, I thought they were a myth..." I trail off and he nods. My dad sighs loudly and sits next to me.

"Me too, but I have heard of one other case in my entire life." I raise my eyebrows at him. 

"Who?" I ask and he rubs his jaw nervously. 

"Your mother and I are second chance mates, Dakota." 

My jaw drops. 

"W-What?" I gasp. Second mates are supposed to be insanely rare, and it's not always the best thing. Sometimes a mate has to die, or a mate cheats like my case. I'm not sure of what else might happen. I'm sure it's not just a fault in the moon goddess' system.  

"I know, it's weird to think about. Your brother don't know, just you." I nod with my mouth still open and he chuckles lightly.

"If you're wondering, my first mate died when I was 17. I met her at 16 and we were together for a year. She wasn't anything like your mother though, and although we were mates it never felt like how it did with your mother. We fought quite often and it was pretty toxic." By this point he's gotten up to make himself some tea.

"My family didn't love her, but we did come from the same pack so we thought it was going to work out. Her name was Priya by the way, I'm not sure if I mentioned. Anyway," He pauses to take a sip, "Blah blah, we date for a while and it's fun. Until one day she goes into the woods and a rogue came up to her. Knowing her, bless her heart, she picked a fight and next thing I know,  she's dead." 

I raise my eyebrows in surprise at how nonchalant he's being about it. I guess it speaks volumes to how much he really didn't love Priya. "Was it hard? When she died." I ask him.

He nods, "I mean she was my mate at the end of the day. I loved her, and she was a part of me. So when she died it hurt like hell no doubt, but somehow I knew that I wasn't going to die like you're supposed to without your mate. I didn't feel dead inside like I thought I would." He explains and my stomach jumps at the similar feelings I shared.

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