the new deal

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I feel like you guys are gonna hate me bcause of this chapter but dont worry things will look up soon!


"What the fuck?" Darren roars as he looks at Logan, who's standing beside me on the doorstep.

Logan flinches from the tone my brother uses and I can tell he's restraining himself from attacking him. Darren did just growl at an Alpha of the Steel pack. That's not something to be taken lightly.

"You heard me." Was Logan's firm response and my brother quite literally lunges at him. I quickly jump in front of my brother and hold on to him.

"Hey! I understand how you feel. I don't want to go, not even a little but I have to. There's no other real choice...he's my mate. Unfortunately." I whisper that last part but I can hear Logan release a low growl.

Darren groans and pulls me into a hug. I sigh as his arms squeeze my frame and I nuzzle my head into his chest.

"I'll miss you, kid." His voice cracks and I only wrap my arms around him tighter.

"I love you." I sniffle, feeling extremely emotional. My wolf whimpers, she has a bond with both of my brothers and is definitely upset that she has to leave him.

"I swear to the Moon Goddess, if she comes back crying, I do not care how powerful or strong you are. I will kick your ass with no remorse." My brother says as he pulls away. His jaw clenches, his voice lowers and his eyes darken and I swear, I saw Logan gulp.

Damn, I didn't know my brother could be that intimidating. 

Logan nods as his response, and he keeps his jaw tightly clenched- most likely holding his tongue. 

I hug Darren once more, tearing up as I leave my home to go back with Logan.

I restrained myself from hugging every person I knew goodbye, as that would be way too emotional and it would become too much having to explain why I was going back home with the mate I originally left because he cheated on me...


"I'm gonna go up to my room." I mumble to Logan, as soon as we stepped foot into the pack house.

"Dakota, wait!" I hear his say and he grabs my wrist, turning me around to face him. I huff in annoyance and cross my arms across my body.

"What?!" I exclaim in exasperation. I really don't know what he could possibly want to say to me right now.

"Can we talk?" He pleads me, desperation clearly in his eyes. I bite my lip, unsure of what to say. What are we even gonna talk about? Can't I just live here and ignore him. So long as I have food, connection to my family, and music, I'm happy.

"Fine." I whisper, looking down at the ground. 

Logan slowly leads me towards his office, while we pass by a lot of different pack members. I offer them all smiles, happy to see that everyone was getting along. 

Luna's instinct I guess...former Luna's instinct I should say.

We walk into his office, and I look at the piles of paperwork sitting on his desk, shocked by how much work he had to do.

"Why do you have so much paperwork?" I ask him in shock. Genuinely, there were piles covering his huge desk, on the ground, overflowing the office itself. What could possibly take this much work?

I see Logan scratch the back of his neck, something he does when he's nervous or anxious. I raise my eyebrows in anticipation.

"Um, well, you see...I kind of contacted every pack within a 500 mile radius of here, to try to find you. I also conducted a few search parties and I had a few Alphas on the look out. The combination sort of results in a shit ton of paperwork to do apparently." He mumbles quietly, looking around the room in shame.

I'm honestly confused. I don't know what to say or feel.

"Oh." Is all I can come up with. Awkward tension fills the room and I cringe. I mean, sure it's kind of sweet that he went through all the effort, but I only left because he cheated on me. Does that mean that the effort he went through to find me, corrects all his errors?

I take a seat on the seat in front of my desk and he takes the one beside me. I gingerly cross my fingers as I wait for him to say something.

"I know that you aren't happy with me right now-", He starts and I silently roll my eyes. That's sugarcoating it, "-but I want to fix things." I sigh at him, genuinely unsure of what to say. Something I've been experiencing quite a lot recently.

"You wanting to fix things doesn't change things." I tell him with a pointed look. "You have...feelings for her, Logan." I mumble and I see something flash in his eyes.

"I-NO! I don't-I can't. No! You're my mate, Dakota. And you're amazing, and you're beautiful and you're the perfect Luna for my pack." He yells and I flinch.

"So you're telling me that you feel absolutely nothing for Allison? That you could be with me and you wouldn't miss her at all?' I ask him with narrowed eyes, already knowing his answer.

Logan stays silent for a moment and I feel my heart slowly break. I was right.

"Listen, Logan. I will stay here. I don't want to. I would much rather be with my family, I'm only 18 afterall. But your pack has already identified me as their Luna and it wouldn't be fair to leave them." Relief flashes through his eyes, but I'm not finished.

"However, I can't force you to have feelings for me." I mumble, sadness tearing through my words and I can see him flinch.

"I will stay here for a few months, or until I can't bear it. And you can be with Allison for now. We don't have to act upon our bond, we can be...friends." I tell, leaving no room for discussion.

I feel tears sting the back of my eyes. Who would've thought? That I'd have to let my mate be with someone else, while I stay in the same house. That I would have to force us to only be friends.

"I-Dakota..." He whispers quietly, "I want you." He tries to convince me but I shake my head as a tear falls down my cheek. My wolf howls in pain.

"You want her." He shakes his head again.

"Logan just listen to me!" I shout at him, tired of his lying, "I don't want you to have forced feelings for me! This is why I never wanted a mate! I am not going to try to have a relationship with you, only to see you with Allison again! I can't do that to myself, or my wolf." My voice cracks towards the end of outbreak and I see tears well up in Logan's eyes.

"Friends." I tell him and he slowly nods. 

With all that said, I walk out of his office, leaving my mate behind. However, I know our situation will not be anywhere as simple.

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