matt, training, and sadness

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"And there we met Drake's dad." I hum, taking a slice of toast from the toaster. "Told him we came from Hamilton!" I spin around and shake my hips as I grab peanut butter from the pantry.

"He said he knew a Canadian girl, who had a thing for Americans." With a slide I finish making my toast. I spin around again, and crash into a wall. Oh wait, nope that was a chest.

"Oops! I'm so sorry!" As I exclaim and step back from the male. I look at him and gasp at him. He is so good looking! Granted I can't find him that attractive compared to Logan, but goodness. 

He's such a charming and mature look to him. His blond, tousled hair, paired with his tan skin and kind brown eyes. Such a boring combination, but it looked amazing on him.

"No worries." He chuckles at my no doubt flustered appearance. "I'm Matt. It's nice to meet you." He says and I smile at him.

"Dakota." I place my hand out for him to shake and his large, warm hand encases mine.

"Are you new here?" I ask him, since he's actually interacting with me. Ever since people found out that Logan and I were mates, people steered clear of me.

He chuckles at me and nods his head.

"I'm a pack warrior from a pack a few states away, but my family moved to this pack a few days ago..." He explains and I nod at him.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you! I was just grabbing some food, did you wanna join me?" I offer him and he grins at me.

"I'd love to."

For the next forty minutes, Matt and I chit chat and get to know each other. He's genuinely such a kind, funny person! I really like talking to him.

"Wait, if you're a pack warrior can you help train me?" I ask him, suddenly excited. I've wanted for someone to train me for the longest time and this is the perfect opportunity.

He looks skeptical at first. "I don't know, Dakota. It's a lot of work and it won't be easy on you, I can promise you that."

I look at him with pleading eyes. I've always wanted to learn how to properly train and get super strong. Especially if I'm gonna be a Luna, I'll need to defend my pack. And how badass would that be?!

"Please, please, please!! Matt, I'll do ANYTHING!" I plead, to try to convince him. After a few minutes, he sighs and looks at the ground. I grin in victory.

"Fine." He mumbles, "But I'm not going easy on you!"He warns me and I roll my eyes at him, pulling him into a quick hug as if to say thank you.

"You're the best! When do we start?" I ask him. 

"Right now."


I'm already regretting this. I am covered in sweat my muscles are giving out, begging to rest and my heart is beating at a million miles per hour. 

"I-wai-can-I need water." I pant out as I hobble to my water bottle, quietly perched in the corner of the gym. Matt laughs at me as he stands there, only slightly sweaty but completely calm.

How is he not dying?

"Okay, so next. I'm gonna try to get you to punch me." He says, and I raise my eyebrows up at him as I sip on my water. I wipe my mouth with  my sweaty t-shirt and walk towards him.

"Punch you?" I ask him. So far, we've worked mostly on my stamina and endurance...which I don't have much of. 

"Yes. punch me." He rolls my eyes and I glare at him playfully. I sigh, unsure of how to approach the situation. 

I raise my fists up, clenching my thumb over my fingers, just infront of my face. I crouch down ever so slightly and observe his movements. My eyes trail him and finally I decide to go for the hit.

I spring my first out and hit him in the lower abdomen with all the force that I could muster. 

"Ouch!" I squeak as my knuckles come into contact with his rock hard abs. He laughs at me and I glare at him, this time seriously. He immediately freezes and raises his arms up in defence.

"Hey! I'm sorry, jeez..." He wheezes out and I pout, "Although to be fair, that punch did hurt. You've got a decent arm to start with. We just need to work on it some more." He explains and I smile at him, glad that I'm not a complete lost cause.


"Mmm." I moan out as I bite into the veggie burger I had just made myself. I bite into it, starving after the intense workout I had just done. I'm currently sitting alone in the kitchen, since Matt had to go back home to his mate. 

"Shit, this is so good." I drag out another moan. Oh god, it sounds like I'm having sex but I couldn't care less. A greasy burger is what I've needed all day, especially after the intense workout I was just put through.

All of a sudden I hear footsteps running towards the kitchen, padding against the wooden floors and I jump at the sound. Whoever it was, they were in a rush.

All of a sudden, Logan's panicked and flustered figure runs into the kitchen, anger apparent in his eyes. I see as his eyes scan the kitchen and living room, clearly searching for something specific. I watch in amusement. 

Suddenly his eyes land on me, and I look at him with a playful look, mocking him with my eyes. He looks absolutely ridiculous. A vicious Alpha, running around looking like a lost puppy.

"Looking for something?" I ask him and he suddenly stalks towards me.

"Where is he?" He growls and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm lost..." I trail off genuinely. I have no idea what he's talking about, "He? Who's he?" I ask him again.

"The GUY! I heard you moaning, there must of been a guy here. Were you having sex with him? HUH?" He screams and growls erupt through his chest. My eyes widen in shock and for a moment we just stare at each other intensely. Anger runs though Logan's eyes and his jaw clenches.

Suddenly I can't resist myself and I erupt in laughter, holding my tummy as I try to not fall off the chair I'm sitting on.

"Y-you-you think, that I- had a guy?" I gasp out, in between my fits of laughter. I feel tears running down my cheeks. Suddenly I stop laughing in his face and I look at him with a blank expression, "I'm not you." I spit out bluntly.

I watch as his eyes turn cold and he flinches at my harshness.

"I'm sorry." He says, and I shrug. I'm not sure what to say. Silence and somber fills the kitchen and we both stare at each other. 

"I've started training." I inform him quietly, hating the silence. HIs head snaps towards me and I watch as his eyes remain emotionless.

"Oh...that's, good. I guess." He mumbles and I huff at him.

"How have things been with you? How's, Allison?" I choke out, even through the last thing I want to know is how my mate has been with another girl.

I watch as he sheepishly rubs the back of neck, evidently anxious. "She-uh, she's fine I guess. We're going on a date tomorrow." He tells me and my breathing does heavy. I take a silent gasp of air and bite my lip.

God, this is what I wanted though, right? I wanted to be friends, and this is what friends do. They share their feelings and their dates. Sadness erupts through my body and I feel my throat slowly enclose. 

I don't know if I can do this whole friends thing.

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