dominant alpha

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I wake up and look to my side, to see if Logan maybe came to bed really late, but I'm disappointed to see an empty side. I sigh to myself and kick my legs over the side of the bed. I place my head in my hands, calming my nerves.

Maybe he was busy? He is an Alpha afterall, it's like he doesn't have work. 

After convincing myself that it was merely work that kept Logan busy last night, I get up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face and change into somme shorts and a baggy T-shirt from my brother, not caring about my appearance. I ruffle my hair lightly and leave the room. 

I walk down the halls slowly and look past each door. After walking through half of the hallway, a door creeks open and I see the back of a shirtless man leaving the room. My wolf snarls and I soon realize it's Logan. He shuts the door softly and turns around with his shirt in his hand. It takes him a moment but his eyes stop on me and I freeze in my tracks. 

My mouth falls open slightly and I close it, harshly biting on my lower lip. His eyes widen and he reaches out for me but I'm sure my eyes are filled with hurt as I jerk away from him.

"Dakota-" His deep voice says and before he can say anything I walk away from him.

I don't want to think that my mate just slept with another she-wolf but I'm not sure what to believe. At this moment, I don't really care.

I go straight to the kitchen but soon realize I'm not all that hungry. I settle for a glass of water and I sit at the huge table in silence, sipping on my water. I sigh to myself numerous time and I feel my heart slowly constrict. 

Why can't I have had a simple relationship with my mate? Why couldn't he have been a simple, no rank wolf from my pack and we could've dated like normal mates. Why does he have to an Alpha of my enemy pack, have a gorgeous best friend who's a girl and spend shirtless nights where her, doing Moon Goddess knows what. 

I feel tears sting through the back of my eyes and I bite on my lip harshly again, drawing blood- a habit I've seen to have picked up.

As I'm sitting down I soon feel eyes watching me and I turn around to meet an unfamiliar face. He's very tall, not quite as tall as Logan, with blonde hair and brown eyes. He's extremely adorable.

"Hello." I tell him softly. "I'm Dakota." I introduce myself and I see him stiffen.

"Luna, I'm Max. The Head Warrior here." He says and my eyes widen. I did not expect him to be the head warrior. He looks like a teddy bear!

"Oh, Dakota is fine. I"m not the Luna. Anyways, come join me!" I point to a seat beside me, desperate to make a new friend here. He hesitates for a moment, his wolf probably intimidated by my blood and being his Alpha's mate, but I smile at him and he soon sits beside me.

"So, how old are you?" I ask him curiously as he sits down.

"Nineteen. You?" He asks me. I tell him I'm eighteen and he responds by saying that I look much older. For the next half an hour Max and I get to know each other and I learn that he's got a mate of two years, was born into this pack and his favourite animal is a penguin.

"So are mine! Well one of them but they're so adorable!" I squeal and he grins at me.

"Finally! Whenever I say that to people they're always so confused because they think they look weird!" He pouts and I gasp.

"Whoever thinks that is wrong. Send them to me and I will put them in place." I growl out and try to maintain a straight face but Max blurts out in a woflish laugh and I soon join him.

"Have you ever-" Max begins but he's soon interrupted.

"Max. Can you give me a minute with my mate?" Hearing Logan's smooth voice makes every hair on my body stand up, my back stiffens and my wolf awakens.

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