bad feeling

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"I love cupcakes." I sigh in content as I lick some icing off of my fingers. Logan laughs and takes a bite out of his red velvet cupcake.

"Me too." Logan smiles adoringly at the fluffy piece of sugar, butter, flour and cocoa powder. I suddenly start giggling as I take a bite out my cupcake again. Logan turns to me with a questioning gaze.

"What?" He asks as he continues eating his treat. I shake my head and let out another giggle.

"Most mates bond by going on runs with their wolves, or going to dinner, or watching movies. We, however, wake up at 8:15 am and decide to go buy cupcakes and eat the entire box before sunrise." I laugh to myself at how weird our relationship is. He grins at me with icing in between his teeth and I grimace in disgust.

"I love it, this is much better!" He kisses my nose delicately and I shiver lightly, enjoying his acts of affection.

"So I'm planning on doing my training again with Matt!" I tell him as I pick at my cupcake.

He nods silently and I wait for him to say something.

"He's got a mate right?" He asks and I nod at him, while taking another bite of my cupcake. "Good, I wouldn't want you training privately with an unmated wolf." He mumbles and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm their Alpha's mate, I doubt anyone would try anything." I say in confidence and he smirks, leaning in closer to me.

"Damn right you are." He says in a husky, sexy voice that sends shivers down my spine. He smiles at me and I bite my lip gently and he leans in even closer to me, so that our breathing mixes together and our noses are touching.

He kisses my cheek and then my forehead, and I groan when he teases me by kissing the side of my mouth. I feel him smirk as he frustrates me, but still manages to fluster me with his touch. I finally lose my senses and grab his face, smashing my lips onto his. It isn't extremely intense or hot, more of a sweet and gentle kiss. I smile gently as we both pull away.

"I am going to change and then we can head out and run some errands for the day." He says and I nod at him. He pecks my lips once more and I watch him-- more so his bum-- leave the kitchen.

"Stop staring at my ass!" He yells and my face heats up.

"It's too irresistible not to!" And he laughs as he walks up the stairs. I laugh quietly as I move to clean up the mess we made from the cupcakes. I put the empty container in the trash, and grab some wet-wipes to clean the counter of any sugary residue. I continue scrubbing the counter when I hear someone enter the kitchen and my blood runs cold as I see who it is.

"What a surprise!" I furrow my eyebrows as the spawn of satan begins speaking, "I haven't seen you in forever Dakota!"

"Hi, Allison." I greet her firmly, however unhappily. "How are you?"

She smiles wickedly and flicks a piece of her shiny, straight blond hair behind her ear. I suddenly feel self-conscious of my only soft, black, wavy hair that now seems dull.

"I have been amazing actually. Logan and I have gotten so much closer which is amazing, since we're best friends! I mean we haven't been hanging out quite as much recently, I'm not too sure why to be honest. I mean I guess he's just been distracted because of something, who knows what." She looks at me in distaste and I scowl as it is obviously clear as to how she believes I am a mere distraction to Logan. "But I am certain that will all change soon enough!"

I raise my eyebrows at her as she glares at me, somehow keeping a smile on her face which is honestly a face that will haunt my dreams. "Allison, I strongly disagree with you saying that he is merely distracted, so I am going to inform you on the current situation since you seem to be so out of the loop." I start off in a condescending tone, "I am Logan's mate. His beloved, the one meant to be with him, I am destined for him and he for me. Meaning I am going nowhere anytime soon. I am not a distraction, I am the Alpha's mate and your future Luna. So I am going to ask you to start showing me some respect because I really do not want any issues within mine and Logan's pack. You got that?"

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