old habits

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"WHERE IS SHE?" I hear his loud voice boom through the pack infirmary.

"Alpha she needs her rest." A shaky voice responds, one of our nurses I'm assuming.

"SHOW ME WHERE SHE IS!" He yells again and I cringe at how loud he's being.

"I'm in here, Logan! It's alright, Ashly, thank you anyways." I say softly, dismissing the poor nurse probably shaking in front of her giant Alpha. I hear loud footsteps moving towards my room and I watch as Logan runs in the doorway, his eyes wide, filled with worry.

"Oh, baby!" He melts once he sees me in the hospital bed, I'm assuming looking sexy as hell with no makeup, messed up hair, bandages on and whatnot. He rushes towards me and grabs my face gently, inspecting the cut on my head.

"What the hell happened? Who did this?" He growls, clearly angry that I'm hurt. I smile gently and ignore his anger.

"You need to come down, my love. I'm fine, it's not a big deal." I place my hand on cheek and rub my finger on his cheekbone, to try and calm his wolf down.

Alphas are extremely territorial, obviously, and when their 'territory' or anything belonging to them in their eyes, is damaged...it's a dangerous situation for everyone. So imagine not only something they believe to be theirs, but their actual mate. Getting assaulted by someone. I can understand why Logan is this upset, I'm just too tired to have to deal with it.

"I can't calm down. Not when someone was dumb enough to attack my mate...GOD! I leave for one day and you get attacked. What if something worse happened to you!" He rambles, pulling his hair in what I assume to be frustration and I shake my head.

"But I'm okay! She was just...going a bit crazy. Probably an episode, nothing we can't take on!" I try to explain and he freezes.

"She?" He speaks slowly, "Who's she?" I sigh and bite my lip.

"Allison. Allison was the one who attacked me." I tell him slowly and his eyebrows furrow.

"W-What? Why would Allison attack you? She's normally so level-headed..." He murmurs and this time I furrow my eyebrows.

"Level-headed? She's psycho, Logan." I tell him bluntly and he frowns.

"I don't know about psycho, babe. That's a bit harsh." My mouth falls agape as confusion runs through my head.

"What do you mean? Two seconds ago you were ready to rip the head off of whoever did this to me and now you're completely calm? Because apparently Allison's too level-headed to have done this?" I ask him slowly and he exhales loudly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well I'll definitely be punishing her, but I'm not sure to the extent I said...I think I overreacted a little bit." He tries explaining and pulls at his hair some more.

"Because it's Allison? I thought you were over her!" I accuse him and his eyes widen and he jumps closer to me.

"I am over her! I am!" He shouts and I almost cry out of confusion. Why does he care so much that it's Allison?!

"Really? Because it seems like you care for her a lot more than you do me right now, Logan." At this point I'm raising my voice and venom is leaking from my tone.

"W-What? No, I care about you, baby. You know that, you are so much more important to me than she is!" He rambles again but I just shake my head and look down.

"Please leave." I say quietly and I hear him intake sharply.

"I'm not leaving you." He growls and something in my heart ticks.

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