family meeting

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"Are you sure you're alright, girl?" Cynthia asks me for the umpteenth time today. She knows how devastated I was when Logan first rejected me but the weekend cleared my mind and at this point I couldn't care less.

Well, that's not entirely true, but I'm trying to support myself.

"I'm fine. Thank you, really, but I'd just rather act like I never met him in the first place. It'll make everything easier!" I smile at her, in a way to convince her and she narrows her eyes at me but I give her an even larger grin. Eventually she rolls her eyes and I go back to munching on my lettuce wrap.

"Hey guys." One of our friends Brandon says as he sits down beside me. Cynthia and I give each other confused looks as he normally does not sit with us at lunch, he usually doesn't even stay in the cafeteria at all.

"Uh, hey Brandon!" I smile at him without looking too confused. Brandon and I used to be pretty close when we were pups, but once we hit high school, he got cocky and I just gave up on our relationship. At one point I even thought I had a crush on him, but I don't think that I actually did when I look back at it.

"So I heard you found your mate." He says nonchalantly as he bites into a sandwich. I choke on the water I was drinking and turn to him with my eyes as wide as a black hole.

"W-what? Where the heck did you hear that?" I sputter at him and open my mouth in confusion. I didn't see anyone else at the club on friday. How could word have travelled that quickly?

"It's all over social media. Everyone saw you and Alpha Logan going at it on your birthday. Happy belated by the way." Again, he says it with absolutely no care in the world and I scoff.

"Thanks." I mumble, rolling my eyes. The fact that Brandon knows, means that a lot of people know. For his whole life, Brandon has been a blabber mouth and I would not put it on him to not tell everyone about my personal life.

"I'm just, gonna go now." I tell Cynthia and Brandon quietly, as I pack up my lunch and sling my backpack over my shoulder. Before either of them say anything I get up from the table and quickly walk into the halls. They're empty and silent which was oddly theraputic for me.

"God, I'm pathetic." I whisper to myself as I feel a heavy constriction on my chest. I miss him. I want him. I want Logan. I want him and that's pathetic because i can never have him. He's the enemy and he always will be.

I decide to sit down against a wall, after walking around for ten minutes. I throw my bag onto the cold ground and slump down on my back. I rest my elbows on my knees and rest my head on one of my hands. I look around the hallway as I try not to burst out into tears.

I'm so mentally and physically exhausted that I feel hysteric. I just want to crawl up in my bed and cry myself to sleep and never wake up. Is this what rejection feel like? I'm not exactly sure but i have a feeling that it is.

I rest my head on both of my hands and close my eyes. Out of nowhere, I feel a hand on my shoulder and my body stiffens, my heart goes into overdrive and my senses go wild. Spark shoot up and down my body and I hear my wolf barking. Logan's here.

I raise my head up and slowly turn it in the direction of the source of the spark on my body. I first inspect the large, warm, rough looking hand that's placed on my shoulder, delicately gripping it. I trail my gaze up the strong, muscular, veiny arm that it's connected to, dressed in a cotton, black button up. My eyes trail over the muscular chest and I eventually meet the stunning eyes that I've missed so dearly.

I gasp as I see the intense gaze that Logan has on me. I lower my gaze, too intimidated to meet his staring contest.

"Look at me." I let out a deep breath as tingles meet my chin and he gently tips my face upwards, towards him. "Hi." His deep voice grumbles and my eyebrows furrow at him. That's all he has to say after he leaves his mate alone, at a club.

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