come home

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It's been two weeks since I left Logan and I'm not sure how much longer I can do this. The first few days felt free. I was relaxed, left without any thought of Logan and I could breathe. I forgot about everything by spending time with my family.

But it's too late. My wolf has already established a link with Logan and his wolf. I can't stay away, my body yearns for its mate and I do too. I don't miss him, I'm mad at him, but I miss the warmth that a mate provides me with. It's not Logan that I miss, it's having a mate that I miss. 

I sigh to myself asI try to complete some homework. School has been miserable as well. My friends don't even know yet and everyone from Logan's pack keep on asking me when I'm coming back. I never know what to say or how to answer them. The conversations always start with,'Hey Luna! Where've you been? I never see you at the pack house!' and ends with me conjuring up a lie somewhere along the lines of, 'Oh yea, I've been running errands and talking to other packs...Hopefully I'll see you around!'. I can't imagine how it's been back at the pack house.

I wonder if Logan is leading with the help of Allison. Maybe she's become my replacement. No, he wouldn't do that. He couldn't! People have distinguished me as their Luna, he can't just introduce someone else as his equal...can he? 

My heart constricts at the thought of him spending more time with Allison, growing to love her. 

I've got to get out of here. I need to go on a run.

I abruptly get out of my room and run down the stairs. Without a word since nobody is home, I throw my running shoes on and jog outside. Locking the door, I go straight into the jog and my body immediately thanks me.

I listen to the birds chirping around me along with my feet pounding on the concrete below me. The cold air hits my bare legs as I was in only shorts and a hoodie, but I don't feel any discomfort. I'll probably get sick later, but this is a feeling I would risk that for at any time.

I continue running for an hour, watching as the trees pass by me in a blur. Even in my human form, I'm extremely quick. I've always been a runner, since I was a young pup, and so any form of jogging immediately calms me down. 

I pump my legs, harder and harder through the forest as my feet crunch down on the leaves. I feel my wolf stir alive within me as my heart beats faster. It feels as if it's about to jump out of my body. Before I can question the feelings coursing through my body, something crashes into my side and I trip, falling back. But before my body hits the ground, an arm wraps around my waist and I'm turned over and I crash into a hard chest.

I groan from the hard impact and shake my head to ease the pain. I open my eyes slowly and squirm in the grip of my captor.

My wolf howls and stirs within me, eliciting a headache and I cringe. Still squirming in whoever's arms I'm in, I decide to open my eyes and try to look at my captor. 

Although as soon as I made the decision, I regretted it immensely. 

Because I had looked into the eyes of Alpha Logan, my mate. 

He releases a deep growl as his arms tighten around my frame and his eyes fill with relief. I gasp, as the air is knocked out of my lungs all over again. I immediately panic and whimper for him to let go of me. I squirm and push and bang on his chest until he immediately lets me go, with a low snarl.

His eyes flash a deep grey as I quickly step back until my back is pressed against a tree and I look at him with cold eyes. I snarl at him, clearly expressing my anger and distaste towards seeing him again.

Logan tries stepping forward but I release a low warning growl, telling him to back off. He flinches as he realizes how serious I am about not touching him again. My wolf stirs and begs for me to let him touch me. She misses her mate.

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