Chapter 1: Here We Go Again

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*WARNING* Some intense violence here!

 It's so dark... I don't know where I am... help...

"NO, DAD!! PLEASE LET ME GO!!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

 "Now, now, Penny, you are a grown woman. You can't go around looking like that!" My father spat while tying me to a chair. "You shall stay here until I figure out what to do with you."

 "DAD!! NO!!" I screamed as I twisted at the restraints.

 My father turned on his heel and glared at me. "Well then, I guess I will let him do his work," he said, nodding towards his left.

 I looked to where my father indicated, and from the shadows came Khan, my real father. He had that evil grin on his face, grasping a knife in his hand.

Spock where are you... help me... don't let him get me...

 He slowly walked over to me, gliding his finger over the blade.

 He lifted the knife and slit my arm, making a scream escape my mouth.

 "Shhh...," he cooed, running the blade up to my collar bone.

 Tears fell down my cheeks. The pain... it was unbearable...

Spock... I need you... help...

 I tried my hardest to embrace my Vulcan side, but no matter what I did I always broke down. Khan then got really close to my ear, raising the blade, and cutting the scarred tips, just like my adopted father did so long ago. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to focus.

 "I know this pain doesn't matter to you... what really matters is something else... or... someone else," Khan purred.

 My eyes shot open. In front of me, tied up in a chair in the same manner as me, was Spock. "Spock...," was all I could manage to say. I watched as Khan coolly walked over to Spock and cut his ears, Spock barely flinching. "N-no... leave him alone!" I yelled.

 Khan just smirked and cut Spock's other ear. He then traced the knife down Spock's arm and to his hand, the most sensitive part of a Vulcan.

 I watched as Spock's eyes got wider with each cut, tears beginning to form in them. I couldn't take it. "STOP!!! LEAVE HIM BE!!!" I yelled as I pulled at the restraints once more.

 "Alright... I will...," Khan growled. And with that, he took the knife and plunged it into Spock's side.

 Spock... his heart...


  "GAHHH!!" I shouted as I shot up out of bed. Sweat was pouring from my face, and tears were falling from my eyes. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. I let out a sigh and commanded, "Lights," to the computer. They slowly came on as I walked to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and washed my face with nice, refreshing, cool water.

 I looked up in the mirror and inspected my details. My brown eyes tinted over with sleep, my brown hair hanging loosely around my face, my ears... I sighed and touched the scarred pieces of skin. "Does he truly love me?" I thought out loud.

 "I believe I do."

 I jumped and turned towards the bathroom door. There, in the doorway, was that tall, handsome man with the sleek black hair and pointed ears. He had his head cocked to the side and his hands behind his back.

 "Spoooock," I whined playfully, "You scared me."

 "I apologize, Penny. I did not mean to startled you," he said in his monotone voice.

 "It's alright," I said, turning back towards the mirror. I watched as he slowly walked up behind me and wrapped one arm around my waist, and reached up to my right ear with his other. "Well hello there, clingy," I joked.

 He ignored my remark. "Were you debating my love for you based on your ears?"

 My face started to blush a little. "Well, I uh...," I stumbled.

 He suddenly turned me around and held me close. "You do not have to hide. You are a remarkably stunning female. "No more hiding," remember?" He said.

 I simply nodded in response. I sighed and buried my face in his chest, inhaling his Vulcan cologne.

 "I heard you talking earlier, what was it about?" Spock suddenly asked.

 I looked up with a confused face. "What are you talking about?"

 "You were saying something very peculiar as I approached your quarters. It was along the lines of, "It's so dark," and "Spock, help me."," he explained.

 My face went pale. "Oh... it.. it was nothing, I-I mean... I don't know what you are talking abo-"

 He gently grabbed my face. "Penny, have you been experiencing nightmares again?"

 I slowly looked down with tears in my eyes. He let out a breath through his nose and drew me into his embrace. "Tell me. What happened this time?" He asked.

 I sniffed a little, trying to hold back the tears. "I-I was in a dark room... a-and my adopted father had my t-tied to a chair. Th-then Khan came and started cutting me... and you appeared a-and h-he...," my story was lost in tears.

 Spock pulled me away and looked down at me, wiping my tears away. "He what?"

 "H-he killed you...," I said, bursting into tears again.

 He pulled me back into his arms. "Penny, Khan is back on Earth. He was put into a cryo tube and frozen. He cannot harm you," Spock gently said.

 I looked up at him. "Or you?" I asked innocently.

 He looked down at me. "Or me."

 I mumbled a small "thank you" and buried my face into his torso once more.

 Our moment was broken when we heard Bones come over Spock's communicator.

 "Spock! Jim is back from the planet. Get your green-blooded behind back down here or I'll-"

 Spock closed the communicator. I looked at him and chuckled. "Penny, I shall meet you down there," he said as he started to walk away. He stopped and turned towards me with a small smirk. "I believe the vernacular you would use in this situation would be, "Here we go again.""

 I let out a laugh and he turned on his heel to exit.

 Here we go again indeed.


AYYY First chapter done!!! I'm REALLY sorry if that first part was too much... don't hurt me plz :(


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