Chapter 6: Krall

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 WARNING: Violence and sexual harassment...? I don't know just in case.

At that very moment, everything went to complete chaos. The Captain was spitting out orders, lieutenants giving out data, everyone rushing around to their emergency battle stations. Kirk ordered us to fire into the "swarm", but it had little to no effect. The first thing to go was the dish hanging below the Enterprise.  The swarm seemingly rushed around it, tearing it apart like vultures. We couldn't use our shields. Next, the nacelles were disconnected. We couldn't warp anymore. It all happened so fast, and everything was muffled to me. My vision was blurry, my ears were ringing, and it was all in slow motion.

 "Security, engage all emergency procedures. Active protocol 28 Code One Alpha Zero. All personnel to alert stations," Kirk ordered. That was our cue. Spock, Bones, and I got out of our seats and went into the turbo lift. I took out my phaser and set it to "kill", Spock doing the same. The ride was quiet, the situation burning our minds.

 The doors slid open, and Spock walked out with his phaser pointing down the long corridor. Bodies littered the area. It was eerily quiet, and Bones started scanning for survivors. Spock started walking down one corridor, and I followed behind closely. He suddenly stopped and grabbed my arm.

 "Dr. McCoy," he said flatly, "Make sure Penny stays here with you. Do not let her go out on her own."

 I jerked my arm out of his grasp. "I am not a child, Spock. I can take care of myself!"

"I am not giving you the option," he said. He quickly went down the corridor, and I frowned while watching him go.

 "C'mon Sweetheart, let's go," Bones mumbled. We were walking over the bodies, the "hum" of the scanner seemingly louder than anything. I was about to say something, but I was quickly interrupted by a scream.

 I look up to see a woman being chased by something, green flashes bouncing off of the wall. Despite Bones' disapproval, I ran over to the woman to help. I was no farther than 5 feet away when one of the blasts hit her, knocking her to the floor, dead. I stared at her, horrified at what I just saw. A blast went right by my head, getting me out of the trance. I look up to see soldiers of some kind marching down the hall. How did they get on board?

 I took one glance at Bones, and then I ran down another corridor to distract them. The blasts were almost accurate, hitting the walls no farther than 2 feet from my face. I would stop and turn to shoot a few times, then continue running. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a creature standing in front of me, guards surrounding him as he looked down in his hands. He slowly looked up at me, and a smile crept its way across his face.

 He handed a guard something that was in his hands, and he slowly stalked over to me. I was frozen with fear, unable to move or breathe for that matter. He crouched down so that his face was centimeters from mine, and he grabbed my phaser from my hand. He brought his other hand up and gently caressed my face.

"Lieu-ten-ant Lane," he growled, seemingly struggling with his words. "I have.. heard much about... you." His hand roamed my face freely, and I did not try to stop him. It was literally me versus him and about 10 guards. Not the best odds. His hand started to roam down my arm, and I squirmed under his touch. He breathed out a laugh.

 I glanced over his shoulder, and I just so happened to see about half of Spock's face peeking around a corner. I dared to look back up at the man in front of me, and spoke with a shaking voice. "Why are you doing this?"

 He struggled to speak, yet again. "You have... something that I want," he said.

 "A-and that would be...?" I asked.

 He motioned to the guard. In his hands was the artifact we got from Teenax...

 "Why would you want that?" I dared to ask.

 "That... Lieutenant... is for me to know, and for you to see," he said.

   "W-who are you?" I asked, my voice wavering.

 Then, without warning, he grabbed my neck and lifted me off of the ground. "I... am Krall... and you shall all know my name."

 I grabbed his arm and dug my nails into whatever armor he was wearing, trying to beg for him to let me go. I started choking in his grasp, and I could start to see black dots scattering across my vision.

 I took one last glance to where I had last seen Spock, but he was gone.

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