Chapter 9: Fear Turns into Reality

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 HELLO! Okay, I have to apologize for this chapter. I actually have no way of watching the film and taking what they are saying and putting it in here, so I decided to just wing it to the best of my memory. I am soooo sorry it is way off from the movie, I really tried! Also, this is where I change the story line a little bit... Anyways, enjoy this chappy!

UPDATE: I CAN WATCH THE MOVIE NOW!! I shall update this to be more accurate :D <3

My pod jolted hard as I hit the ground. I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to not get crushed into the side of a mountain or a tree. My knuckles were white as I grabbed onto the bars for dear life, and everything finally slowed to a peaceful stop. 

 I opened my eyes and hesitantly hit the button to open the door. The door flew open, and I was met with a beautiful forest to my right and a canyon of sorts to my left. The forest seemingly slammed into the canyon, cutting off right away from pretty green to bleak grey. 

 I looked around to see if I could spot anyone, and I happened to find miss Translator. She brushed off her suit as I approach her, ready to spit out accusations and what not but Captain Kirk beat me to it.

 He marched up to her. "You knew. You knew we'd be attacked," he growled.

 "You don't understand," she said. Kirk immediately brought out his phaser, pointing it straight at her head.

 I held my breath as I heard Chekov's voice ringing through the forest. "Captain! Captain Kirk!" He yelled, running up to us and stopping dead in his tracks when he saw Kirk.

 "Yes. I lied," Translator said. "Our ship was attacked.

 "Chekov, check the comms for survivors," Kirk said, never letting Translator leave his sight.

 "Aye, Captain," Chekov said, hesitating.

"Who is he?" Kirk asked.

 "His name is Krall," she said. I immediately got shivers, thinking about what had happened on the Enterprise. "He took my crew, like he took yours."

 "How did he know so much about the Enterprise?" Kirk asked, almost interrupting her.

 "All I know is that if I did this, he would set them free," she explained, pain evident in her face.

 Kirk leaned back towards Chekov. "Chekov, are you picking anything up on those scanners?"

 Chekov sadly shook his head. "Nothing, Sir. What if they...-"

 "No, no," Kirk interrupted. "He was taking them. We have to find that saucer. Even minimal scanning systems will have more range than a tricorder."

 "Aye, Captain. It's possible," Chekov said.

 "Captain," Translator said. "I was protecting my crew.

 Kirk slowly lowered his phaser when he heard that. I knew that there was a war going on in his head.

 Kirk glanced back at me, his gaze softening. "You alright?"

 "Yes, sir," I responded right away. Truth is, I wasn't. None of this was alright. Everything was going down hill very fast, and it felt like my life was slipping out from under my feet.

 Kirk looked around, spotting the canyon. "There, we should head that way."

 We all silently agreed and followed the Captain and into the canyon. 


We had been walking for almost an hour when we finally saw debris. It was definitely from the Enterprise, but some of it looked like it came from one of the alien ships as well. I was about to open my mouth to say something when I heard some clanging. We all looked around as the sound bounced off of the walls.

 "Vhat was zat?" Chekov whispered.

 Kirk just shrugged, looking around with wide eyes. All of a sudden, this deafening howl rang throughout the canyon. It startled all of us, and we immediately reacted off of instinct. Well, mine was of dread and fear, knowing exactly who it was.

 We all climbed over a large rock to reveal a crashed enemy ship, with none other than Bones and Spock outside of it. "Spock, Bones!" Kirk yelled as we climbed off of the rock to the other side.

 I wasn't exactly sure what I was feeling; happiness? Relief? Fear? It all seemed like a big ball of emotions that I couldn't decipher. 

 Bones looked up from what he was doing, and that is when I really got a sense of what was going on. Spock was leaning back on the enemy ship, his face contorted in pure pain, while Bones was leaning over and inspecting his side. His left side...

 I slowly walked around to see what had happened, and I about passed out when I saw blood. I put my hands on both sides of my hair, grasping any hair I could find and tugging on it.


"'STOP!!! LEAVE HIM BE!!!" I yelled as I pulled at the restraints once more.

"Alright... I will...," Khan growled. And with that, he took the knife and plunged it into Spock's side.

Spock... his heart..."

~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK~~~~~~~

 My breathing picked up as my fears turned into reality. My knees buckled up and all I could think about was my father's face as he stabbed Spock in my dream. I was staring at the wound so intensely that I didn't even realize that Kirk was holding me up.

 "Penny, please calm down. Bones said he managed to cauterize the wound, the bleeding stopped," he said, trying to get me to calm down.

 "For now," Bones said as he wiped his hands on his pants.

 Kirk looked back at him with a dumbfounded look. "Way to keep her calm, Bones."

 Bones shook his head. "I'm just speakin' the truth. I need to get him to a place with real medical supplies. This is just to hold him over."

 Suddenly, Spock groaned in pain as he tried to sit up a little. Bones ran over to him and put a hand on his back and chest, trying to help him. "Bring Penny to me, please," he whispered.

 Kirk basically dragged me over to Spock, handing me over. Spock reached out, gathering me in his arms the best to his ability. "I am... pleased to see that you are okay," he said, his voice full of pain. I knew he was more than 'pleased', but he couldn't express how he felt in front of everyone else. He was already showing to much emotion.

 "Y-yeah," I breathed out, still in shock from what I saw. 

 He pulled me back and looked me in the eye. Just from that little gesture, he knew exactly what I was going on about. He brought his forehead to mine, and whispered in a low voice. "Khan is back on Earth, Penny. Not here."

 I sniffed and nodded, quickly pecking his lips before I moved away. 

 Bones approached him once more, wrapping his arm around his back and bringing Spock's arm across his shoulder in an attempt to help him walk. Kirk quickly took Spock's other side, and the trio started to move towards our destination; wherever that may be.

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