Chapter 11: Unexpected Guest

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*WARNING* Violence, death.

I couldn't find it in my heart to leave yall on a cliffhanger.

I turned around, glaring at the entrance that now seemed like an enemy. I approached it slowly, sliding along the wall as if I was going to sneak up on it. "Bones? Captain? Is th-that you?"

No answer.

I finally reached the entrance, and I was honestly scared out of my mind. I looked back at Spock, who's eyes were trained on me the entire time. I slowly leaned out the door, seeing nothing.

I leaned out even farther. Nothing was here...


 I felt intense pain in my nose and I flew back, hitting my head on the ground. I heard Spock yell my name as I cried out in pain, clawing at my face. I managed to force my eyes open and look at my attacker.

 A dark figure stood over me, holding a staff of some sort. Once my eyes adjusted to the intense light, I noticed the the figure had lizard-like features. He was not one of Krall's people, that's for sure.

 I raised his staff, getting ready to hit me when I kicked his knee backwards, causing him to crumbling down on one knee and grab it.

 I scrambled onto my feet, wiping the green blood from my face and getting into a fighting stance.

 He made a low growling sound as he stood back up, glaring daggers at me the entire time. He quickly swung his staff around, and I put my arm up to block it. I must say, it didn't feel very good.

 He brought it back the other way, my side taking the blunt force of it. Air swooshed out from me and I grabbed my side. He took this time to bring his staff back around and hit the side of my face. I flew to the floor, almost blacking out.

 I slowly opened my eyes, my blood oozing out of every cut on my face and spilling out onto the floor. I could taste the copper in my mouth, and I made my eyes focus once more. The man was approaching Spock, who was desperately trying to scoot away from the man. The man brought his staff up, hitting Spock on his wounded side.

 Spock let out a heart wrenching cry, and fell down on his side.

 I gritted my teeth together and forced my way up, more angry than afraid. I walked up behind the man, grabbing his neck from behind and throwing him backwards with one hand. When he hit the floor, I was already on top of him, trying to restrain him.

 I let my guard down, and he brought his fist up and punched me in the face, causing me to fly backwards.

 He quickly got up, grabbed his staff, and hit a button which caused a blade to come out of the top. He stumbled over to Spock, resting the blade against his throat.

 I jumped up, wrapped my right arm around his neck while the other had a hold on the staff. "Please don't," I croaked as we both went down on our knees.

 I felt the man try to push the staff farther, and my grip started slipping.

 "Pl-please! I don't want to..." I begged.

  The man simply continued. Spock stared at me with pain filled eyes, and I knew what I had to do.

 I screwed my eyes shut, tightened my grip around the man's neck, and let out a yell as I quickly brought my arm back.

 I heard a loud "snap", and the man collapsed to the ground.

 I sat on my knees with an emotionless expression on my face. I knew I must have looked like a monster, with all of the blood flowing from my face and my messed up uniform.

 My breathing came in ragged breaths, and I slowly looked down at the dead man on the floor. The man that I killed.

 That was when the first wave of tears came. I never wanted to kill the guy, that is why I tried to restrain him before.

 "Oh... oh, what did I do!!" I yelled.

 I put my head in my hands and started to panic.

 I felt arms around me, and I thrashed out, trying to get out of the grip.

 "Penny. Penny, stop! It's me!"

 I looked up through teary eyes to see Bones. "B-bones..." I whimpered before falling completely into his embrace.

 "Good God, what happened?! I was only gone for about 10 minutes!" He exclaimed.

 I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. "Pl-please help Spock," I whispered.

 Bones picked me up and helped me walk over to where Spock was. He was fine, or so Bones said, and he helped me lay down beside him.

 I watched as Bones walked over to the man, checking for a pulse and examining his neck before shaking his head and muttering something about "a complete break".  He then grabbed the spear and walked back over to us, sliding down against the wall and facing the entrance, never turning his back to it.


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