Chapter 18: Sabotage

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 As we approached Yorktown, we started to see what we were really up against. The swarm of ships were closing fast on the globe, and the people of Yorktown were trying their best to defend themselves.

 "I'm picking up distress signals from every frequency in Yorktown," Uhura reported urgently. "Krall's already starting his attack."

  "Mr. Scott, what kind of weapons do we have?" Kirk asked into his comm.

  "We have pulsed phase cannons and spatial torpedoes," Scotty said.

 "Great. Lock and load," Kirk said, little enthusiasm in his voice.

  "It does not matter," Jaylah said. "You cannot defeat the bees."

 "Maybe, maybe we lure them away," I suggested. "How do we get Yorktown time to get people to safety?"

 "No, we are horse and buggy compared to those things," Sulu said. "We're barely holding it together as it is."

 "The flight patters of bees are determined by individual decisions," Spock added. "Krall's swarm formations are too complex not to rely on some form of unified cyberpathic coordination. I surmise that if we-"

 "Spock!" Kirk interrupted. "Skip to the end."

 "What he's saying is that if we disorient the swarm we can kick its ass!" Uhura finished, walking up to Kirk.

 Spock looked at Uhura for a moment before turning back to Kirk. "Precisely."

 Kirk looked at the ground, thinking. "Scotty, can you beam me onto one of those swarm ships?"

 "Have you gone completely mad?" Scotty shouted through the comm.

  "Yes or no?" Kirk asked, annoyed.

 "No!" Scotty shouted. "Yes! Maybe."

 "Captain," Spock interrupted. "My familiarity of the interior of those ships, however brief, makes me more qualified for this away mission."

 "Spock, you're still hurt," I said, walking up to him.

 "She's right, Spock," Kirk mumbled.

 Spock stared at me, his eyes going from on of my eyes to the other. "I acknowledge and respect your concerns. Perhaps you would feel more confident f I were accompanied by someone with familiarity of both the ship and my injury."

 A small grin spread across Kirk's face. "He's gonna love this."


 "You want me to do what?" Bones exclaimed.

 I giggled a little as Spock walked past me. "Come along, Doctor."

 "Wait a minute," Bones said, following Spock. "Why you green-blooding ingrate. This was your idea!"

"It's a good idea, Bones," Kirk said, walking up to him.

  I ignored Bones and walked up to Spock, pecking him on the lips.

 "Be safe," I whispered.

 "Of course," he whispered back.

 Our faces were centimeters apart, and I closed the space by resting my forehead against his. Of course, Bones had to ruin the moment.

 "You know, next time you have a piece of pipe stuck in your transverse, call a plumber," Bones growled.

 I looked to him and gave him a glare, and he immediately shut up and faced forwards. I gave Spock one last peck on the lips, and I scurried off of the transporter.

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