Chapter 8: Abandon Ship

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 I froze in my spot, eyes glistening up as reality hit me like a rock. This really was it; no drills, no pranks, it was actually happening. The Enterprise was going down. I started tearing up as I made my way down the hall, hoping to get to the Bridge in time. I honestly couldn't see myself getting there, the turbo lift wasn't an option anymore.

 I did, however, find an emergency ladder that led to the upper deck. I quickly scrambled up it to be met with a rushing crowd. All the personnel were running towards me, trying to get to their escape pods. I took a deep breath and pushed through the crowd, as well as my tears.

I went through the doors and onto the Bridge, only to see Mr. Sulu in the Captain's chair. I wiped my face and stumbled up to him. "Mr. Sulu, where is the Captain?"

 He looked up at me, panic written all over his face. "The Captain ordered us to stay here while he went and separated the saucer from the neck, it is the only way for impulse engines to kick on."

I looked around the room once more, noticing a few missing faces. "Where is Bones, Spock, and Uhura?"

"Uhura left the Bridge not to long ago, but I am not sure where she went. As for Bones and Spock, I thought they were with you?" He asked.

I nodded. "They were, but they slid inside the turbo lift when the ship tilted."

Sulu's eyes widened. "Penny, are you certain?"

I slowly nodded my head. "Yeah...? Is there something wrong?"

Sulu gulped. "The turbo lift... it fell out of the ship."

I felt my heart stop. "WHAT!?" I yelled, fresh tears coming from my eyes. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN-"

"Impulse engines drawing power from auxiliary generators," Mr. Chekov said, interrupting me.

I was about to yell something else when green blasts rang out around the Bridge, people dropping to the floor. I screamed and fell backwards, a blast zooming right by my head. Chekov and Sulu stood up slowly, not wanting to alarm the soldiers.

The soldiers aimed their phaser, getting ready to shoot us when suddenly more phaser fire broke out. Only this time, the soldiers dropped dead to the floor. We all looked up to see Captain Kirk stalking into the room, his phaser in his hand.

"Captain!" Mr. Chekov exclaimed.

 Kirk glared at the new lady with the translator,  we shall just call her Translator for now, and walked over to Chekov. "How many of the crew are still aboard the saucer?"

Sulu checked the console, hitting random buttons to pull up the count. "None," he reported. "But if I'm reading this correctly, the intruders are taking them."

 "Captain," Chekov interrupted. "We are caught in zhe planet's gravity. We cannot pull away."

We all looked out the window to see the planet coming closer and closer. "Get to your Kelvin Pods," Kirk ordered.

 "Yes, sir," Sulu said, giving me a glance as he went by. "Come on, let's go!"

 "Aye, Captain," Chekov said, jogging to the pods.

 Sulu started gathering everyone into the pods, while Kirk stood and watched the planet. I walked up to him, my eyes full of sadness and distress. He glanced at me and pulled my into a hug. I burrowed into his touch, closing my eyes to escape from reality.

 "Get to your pod, Penny," he whispered into my ear.

 "Not without you, please?" I said.

 He pulled me back and glanced around to see that we were the last two. He looked me in the eye and nodded, guiding me to the pods. He helped me in, reassuring me that he would get into his as soon as mine took off.

 I stepped in, leaning back against the padding and grabbing the handles to brace myself. He nodded to me, and pressed a button. Next thing I knew, the door slid up and I felt intense pressure as I was forced down. I managed to hold myself up as the planet surface filled my view. We were a lot closer than I expected, and I watched as Kirk's pod shot out from the top of the saucer. What was left of the Enterprise crashed into the ground below, sliding along the ground and breaking apart.

 I choked up while watching it, seeing my one true home being destroyed before my very eyes. The Enterprise was gone.


WOAH HELLO FRIEND. I know that I apologize a lot for not posting, but I mean it every time. It is so hard for me to upload because of college, but now that college is out, I should be able to post more.

Thank you so much for being patient with me!

LLAP!! :3 <3


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