Chapter 7: Sugar, We're Going Down

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 I started feeling lightheaded in his grasp. My vision was turning black, and I was completely limp. Everything that had happened after that seemed like it was all far away, the sounds were muffled and it seemed to go in slow motion.

 I heard muffled phaser fire, and a loud "bang" sound. The grip on my neck subsided, and I collapsed to the ground. I gasped quite heavily, and opened my eyes to see Spock on Krall's back, choking him from behind.

 Krall managed to grab Spock's arms, and he pulled him over his head and slammed him into the floor. Spock immediately got up and punched Krall in the face.

 I looked around to see the guards trying to get a clear shot on Spock, but the fear of hitting their leader was too great. I slowly got up, trying not to get noticed by the guards. Krall threw Spock in my general direction, and I helped him up as best as I could. One glance and that was all I really needed; all the guards were pointing their phasers at us, and Krall was slowly walking towards us.

 I closed my eyes, ready for the inevitable death, but the sound of phaser fire had me open my eyes. Behind Krall and his soldiers, was none other than Captain Kirk. He quickly ducked in a corridor, and continued to fire at the small group.

 Spock grabbed my forearm quite harshly and pulled me away. "I thought I told you to stay with Doctor McCoy," he said in a dark, low voice.

 "Well, someone was in trouble and I went to help them," I explained, not wanting to tell the full story.

 Spock stopped abruptly and turned me towards him. "You could have gotten killed!! What were you thinking?" He yelled, causing me to flinch. "Never do that again! I can't lose anyone else..." he trailed off, his voice cracking at the end. My eyes were wide and I looked like I could burst into tears at any moment.

 "Spock, I just wanted to-"

 "NO! You disobeyed a direct order from your commanding officer!! And if that is not enough, you had a phaser in your hand and yet you still did not fire upon Krall when you had the chance! It seems as though you wanted to die!!" He yelled.

 Memories of my "father" came rushing back. I had a hard time breathing now."S-sir, t-the girl n-n-needed help a-and B-bones was busy a-and t-there were so many guards a-and I was t-too afraid a-and-" I rambled until I burst into tears.

 Spock still didn't care. His voice rang down the halls. "That does not matter! You should not have left Doctor McCoy! I do not expect you to disobey my commands any further, understood Lieutenant??"

 "Y-y-yes, s-sir," I said, wiping my face as much as I could. I then wrapped my arms around my torso, hugging myself in comfort, but even that couldn't make me feel better. Spock never went off like this unless something bad happens to his crew mates. His family. And while I did understand this, my mind was still shaken with the thought that Spock was disappointed in me.


 We ran for a while now, twisting and turning through the halls. When we turned a corner, we saw Bones crouched beside someone, seemingly stunned at whatever was in his Padd.

 "Doctor?" Spock yelled, shooting behind him at the guards pursuing us. "Doctor, we must evacuate now!"

 Bones quickly got up and started to run away, Spock following and me at his side. Suddenly, everything started to tilt to the left. My feet started to slide, but I kept running to the best of my ability. A jerk made all three of us slam into the wall, and debris was falling all around us.

 Just when you think it was over, the ship start tilting the other way. This time, it was steep enough to make us start sliding down the floor like a giant water slide. I looked down to see us sliding towards the turbo lift. How convenient.

 Green flashes caught my attention, and I looked back up to see the enemy guards shooting down at us. Thankfully, Bones slid in and made it to safety. I looked back down to see Spock no longer trying to grab the phaser that was sliding beneath me, but instead trying to grab my ankle. I knew what this meant. I wasn't going to make it in the lift before the doors closed. Spock slid in just as the door closed, his last call of my name cut off by the doors.

 I slammed into the closed door, and I suddenly felt another thing slam into me. I opened my eyes to see a body of one of the guards on top of me. I screamed loudly, but I screamed even more when the green glow of the phaser hit right in front of my face. I did the only rational thing I could think of, and I grabbed the body and used it as a shield. I grabbed his large phaser and began shooting back.

 Then I felt the ship starting to tilt another way, and before I knew it I was flying down towards the guards. The ship shook violently, and I could not get on my feet.  The guards stopped shooting, so I just assumed they forgot about me. Well, I was wrong.

 They were sliding down to me, shooting all the way. I finally got to my feet, and I ran along the wall and down the hall. I thought my lungs would explode, I just couldn't catch my breath!

 It was what I heard next that made reality really sink in for me. An animated voice came over the speakers, ringing loudly throughout the ship. "Abandon ship. All personnel. Evacuate immediately."


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