Chapter 21: Spock

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*NOTE* This is a chapter made in dedication to Leonard Nimoy, the one true Spock. Live long and prosper, everyone.

 Spock and I sat in his room, staring at the treasured box that he held in his hands.

 "I think he would want you to open it," I whispered gently.

 Spock still stared down at it, nodding slowly. "Yes, I assume he would, but-"

 He cut himself off, still looking down at the box. He slowly opened it, almost scared to see what was inside.

 Inside was a cloth, a journal of sorts, and a small, wooden box. He went for the small box first, gently sliding it open with his thumbs.

 It was a picture of a crew. I could easily identify Spock, but the others took my a minute to recognize. I saw Kirk sitting in the Captain's chair surrounded by the rest of the crew. They were all there; Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Chekov, Scotty, Bones, and Uhura.

 I smiled as tears came to my eyes, but Spock's face was mostly neutral except for his eyebrows. They were furrowed as he searched frantically through the faces.

 "Spock, what is it?" I asked gently.

 "You are not there," he mumbled. "Where are you?"

 I looked back down, and sure enough I was no where to be seen. I rubbed Spock's back, trying to make the best of the obvious dark thoughts. "It's alright, maybe I was transferred somewhere else, or perhaps I left Starfleet?"

 He nodded slowly, still looking at the picture.

 "I can tell they all love each other. They are a family. And even now, I can still say that is true," I said, my grin returning to my face.

 He took a deep breath and slid the picture shut and a paper fell out the back of it. He gently picked it up and unfolded it. I watched as his eyes scanned it, and his face dropped as he read it. When he finished, he laid it down on his lap slowly and stared off into nothing.

 "Spock, what's wrong?" I asked.

 He looked at me, his face portraying sorrow as he gave me the letter. Here is what it said:

 "Commander Spock,

 My time here is very short, I know this. It is illogical to be distraught over such things, so I ask that you not be affected with the news of my passing. I am unable to walk to locations on my own, so I have been bedridden. As you have seen, I decided to give you my most treasured belongings.

 Please take care of them for me. I realize it is not logical to have such high value over simple possessions, especially when one's death is nigh, but I believe that these things will help you on your journey.

 There is one last thing that I would like to share with you and Ms. Lane. In the picture that I gave you, you may see that one person is absent. Now, I know that I have told you that I will not interfere with your destiny, but I want you to be "happy", Spock. You were not happy after the incident.

 It happened very early on in my career. The Captain, Ms. Lane, Doctor McCoy, and I went down to a planet that had given out a distress signal. We learned that there was a species on the planet that would drain any body of all salt.

 We decided to go out and try to find this creature, and I took Ms. Lane with me. The creature started to throw large rocks at us, and Ms. Lane was hit. I tried my best to assist her, but the creature was much stronger than I had anticipated. He hit me back and went for Ms. Lane. I stood there and watched as the creature drained Ms. Lane of all of her salt.

 I must say, I let emotions take the best of me. I was furious at the creature who so ruthlessly attacked her. I managed to attack it and momentarily knock it out, and I commanded the Enterprise to beam us back up. Doctor McCoy did his best to revive Ms. Lane, but she did not wake up.

 Please do not be detoured away. I believe that anything can change, and I can see that many things have.

 My best wishes go to you, Mr. Spock.

 Live long and prosper,

Ambassador Spock."

 I looked up, eyes wide and full of shock. I didn't know what to think: yes, I was very uneasy about the whole dying thing, but Ambassador Spock was right. Things can change.


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