Chapter 12: Dying Alone

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 I woke up on the floor, my face and torso aching. I slowly opened my eyes as I heard Bones and Spock talking to each other.

 "You're leaving Starfleet?" Bones asked. "Boy, Jim's not gonna like that. Hell, I don't know what he'd do without you. I mean, me on the other hand, I'd throw a party, but...."

 Spock let a grin spread across his face as he started laughing. Bones joined in with him too, but then concern covered his happy features. "My God, you're getting delirious."

 I let out a small chuckle, but groaned in pain. Simply laughing made my ribs hurt...

 Bones' eyes snapped over to me, and he quickly got up to check on me.

 "Hey, Sunshine, how ya feeling?" Bones asked in an appreciative soft tone.

 I whimpered in pain as he sat me up, and he muttered apologies in the process. "I have been better," I mumbled.

 "Where does it hurt?" He asked.

 I pointed to my torso. "My ribs and my head."

 He hesitantly reached out towards my shirt. "May I? I will only lift it as much as I need too."

 I green blush spread across my face, but I nodded.

 He kept his word and lifted my shirt just enough to see the damage. "From what I can see, you see to have had a few damaged ribs, maybe slightly broken, and your face has a few bruises and cuts as well."

 "Great," I mumbled.


 We all snapped our heads towards the entrance, even Spock abruptly stopped laughing to look at the door.

 My breathing picked up. Another one was coming...

 What if it was the guy's friend? What if he came looking for him? We aren't strong enough to defend ourselves!

  "Bones? Spock?"

 Relief washed over me at the voice. It was Kirk.

 He clambered up through the door, turning to help Chekov on the way. He turned around and furrowed his eyebrows. "Woah... what happened here?"

 I followed his gaze, and it must have look like a horror scene. Blood of multiple colors all over the floor, Spock basically limp while leaning against the wall, Bones helping me sit up while I had multiple cuts and bruises all over my body.

 "Someone attacked them while I went to look for supplies," Bones said.

 I physically flinched as the memories came back.

 "Are you guys alright?" Kirk asked, walking over to Spock.

 "Not really...," I mumbled, mostly to myself.

 "They should be fine as long as we get them help soon," Bones answered.

 I smiled lazily at Chekov as he came over to my side. He smiled sympathetically and slid down against the wall, sitting a hand on my knee.

 "Wait a minute," I said. "Where is Ms. Translator?"

 "Six feet under...," Kirk grumbled.

 I turned my head over towards him. "What? She's dead?"

 "You heard that?" Kirk asked.

 I stared at him with a blank expression. "Vulcan," I said.

 "Right," Kirk said while nodding. "Uh, but yeah she is long gone. Turns out the suspicions were right. She tricked us into coming here."

 I looked to Chekov. He had a small grin playing at his lips. "I told you I was right!" He exclaimed.

 I giggled slightly, then cringed. No laughing, right.

 "Anyways, she wanted the same thing Krall does. That artifact thingy. I asked her to come with me to get it when we found the saucer, and when I told her where it was she hit me and tried to get it herself. I lied," he explained, a small smirk on his face as he said the last sentence.

 Chekov butted in, too excited about what had happened. "And so we activated zhe thrusters! Zhe whole ship flipped over, squashing her like a bug!" He said, acting way too happy.

 "Where exactly is the artifact, Captain? Did they get it?" Spock asked.

 "No," Kirk said.

 "Do you have it?" I asked.

 "No," he said.

 "Then where is it, Captain?" Chekov asked.

 "I had to get it off the Enterprise, put it on a shuttle," Kirk said rather quickly.

 "You hid it in a shuttle?" Bones asked.

 "Yes. And... no," Kirk said.

 We all gave him a confused look.

 Bones narrowed his eyes. "Then where-"

 "That's not important. Look, I am sorry to interrupt your resting party but we need to get moving," Kirk said, clearly agitated.

 Without another word, Bones walked over and helped Spock up while Chekov helped me up. Spock grimaced in pain while I actually groaned, clearly showing who had the most "human" in us.

 We walked out of the room and stumbled down the rocks.

 Kirk flipped out his communicator. "Kirk to Enterprise crew. Come in, Enterprise crew. Anyone."

 We were moving at a rather slow pace, and Spock knew it was because of him. "Leaving me behind will significantly increase your chances of survival," he said.

 I flipped around and glared at him, leaning on Chekov for support.

 "Well that's damn chivalrous of you, but completely out of the question," Bones growled, still trying to drag Spock along.

 "It is imperative that you locate any surviving crew," Spock insisted.

 "Spock, don't say that!" I yelled. I was in pain, hungry, and tired. I just wanted to get out of here safely with all of my friends. My family.

 "And here I was thinking you cared," Bones mumbled to Spock.

 Spock was about to say more, but we were all interrupted by a sound. It sounded like ships flying.

 We all looked up and saw three ships flying towards us.

 Kirk looked up. "Uh oh-"

 Lights swirled around him, and he was gone.

 "Captain!" Chekov exclaimed. He let go of me but before he could make a move, the same lights formed around him. Gone.

 I started to actually panic. Who was taking them? Was it Krall? It had to be, the Enterprise crashed!

 Spock pried himself off of Bones to get to me, but he was met with the same fate.

 "SPOCK!!" I yelled, actually started to tear up.

 Bones scrambled over to me, standing behind me and watching as the three ships surrounded us. We stood there, expecting more lights to come, but nothing came.

 "Well, at least I won't die alone," Bones said.

  And that was the last thing I heard before the lights swarmed around me, and I saw nothing but white.




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