Game Of Gods

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(Other Dragon Ball Z and Super characters WILL appear, how this will be achieved will be explained later. There will also be SAO characters.)

Pumkin didn't remember much about the day the Game began. Nor did she ever think it was a 'game' to begin with.

More like a nightmare.

Before she woke up as a game character, Pumkin liked to think she had been a relatively average looking girl. She went to school like anybody else. Worried about the same teenage girl issues.

Her grades were average, so was her life. She liked to play a game called Dragonball Xenoverse 2 every weekend, and loved to build up her female saiyan character called "Pumkin" a pun on Pumpkin since Saiyans tended to have vegetable based names. Her real name was even average. Kozuki Manaka.

It was a Saturday, Kozuki thought that she must have fallen asleep at the controller, because the last thing she remembered before falling asleep was that she finally beat a raid quest against the most ridiculous difficult bosses imaginable

(Parallel Quest 15. Completely bogus, took me so long to beat it on single player. Quick tip: use Super Vegeta, spam a lot of Big Bang Kamehamehas, and bring along Energy Zone as one of your ults to keep you and your buds alive.)

Then when she woke up.. she was in a room she had never seen before.

She was in a four poster bed with a frame made of what seemed to be gold. The walls of the room were made of moss covered stone.. with a desk nearby that had a candle lamp standing near it.

And she also found a mirror on her bedside table. And when Kozuki looked in the mirror, she could hardly believe what she was seeing.

Her hair was a light purple, tied into medium short length twin tails. Her eyes were a deeper purple.. and she was wearing a purple and black gi.

And what was more, is that this character she was seeing wasn't just Pumkin as she appeared in game.. it was Pumkin as Kozuki imagined she would look if she were a real person, with added features to her outfit and build that the game never had the options to add to begin with. Which included a rather small frame that gave off a misleading cute and harmless look to her.

"What is this?" Kozuki stammered to herself as she stared at the mirror, pinching her cheek and watching the Pumkin in the mirror do the same. "this is surreal."

Suddenly, the door opened, causing Kozuki to jump to her feet.

A robot had appeared. But it was the oddest looking robot Kozuki had ever seen. It had a very thin body, with long thin arms and leg that almost seemed stilt like. It's coverings, which of there were few, were comprised of mahogany wood and polished bronze. and it's inner workings were comprised of thin gold wires and silver clockwork gears.

It looked like something you would find in one of Hayao Miyazaki's animes. In other words, strange and yet very artful.

The robot clicked a little, turning it's head which was a single bronze spotlight attached to wires.

Kozuki stood up and backed away, not sure what to do.

"The great God Gozak, demands your presence, during which he will explain your situation." said the robot with a strange clicking voice, before stalking away with clicking steps.

Kozuki paused for a minute, feeling sweat coming down her brow as her nerves and sense of danger heightened.

Great God Gozak? What was this sinister thing she was hearing?

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