The Ruler Awakens.

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(Best Dragon Ball opening of all time.)

Burter and Jeice both lunged in, throwing all the punches and kicks they could at Nozuko, but Nozuko just folded her arms, smiling pridefully as she ducked and dodged the attacks without even moving from that spot.

"DAMN IT!!" Burter roared. "I am the fastest in the Universe.. you can't.. AGGGGHHHHH!!!"

Burter looked down to see Nozuko's fist right in his abdomen. "D-damn... it.. aghhh.."

Blood dripped down Burter's chin as Nozuko smiled. "You wanna know something special about demons? We don't need poses to look absolutely ELEGANT!!!"

"HYAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Nozuko did a twirling graceful dance, as she sent a powerful flexible kick straight into Burter's neck, causing him to slam right into Jeice, the two of them flying sideways into the forests and crashing into the earth with a tremendous impact.

"LA ROSE IMPACTO!!!!" Nozuko twirled into another elegant dance that almost looked as if she were doing ballet, throwing a tremendous barrage of kicks and punches, wind swirling from her speed as she pummeled both Jeice and Burter into submission.

The rest of the Ginyu Force watched in shock as Nozuko  swung her hand upwards. "Blossom Burn.."

Nozuko swung her hand downwards, and flames fused with ki to become tremendous purple fire..

The purple fire carved across the earth into a 5 mile wide X shape in the forest, When the giant purple flames seized, a large X shape crater had been carved into the earth, with an unconscious Burter and Jeice in the middle.

"Nozuki would've killed you both, thank Kozuki's mercy for your lives." said Nozuko.

"C-CAPTAIN!!!" Guldo stammered. "WHAT DO WE DO!!?"


"Oh!? Three on one!?" said Nozuko with a grin. "Now that's awesome!! Alright then.. get ready.. this.. is SUPER NOZUKO!!!!"

Nozuko instantly turned Super Saiyan, the red streaks in her hair turned pitch black as her golden hair shown in the bright light.

"KYAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Guldo let out a scream, sending forth his telekinetic power, freezing Super Nozuko in a dark aura.

But Nozuko broke through the energy easily, moving in and pounding Guldo in the face with a punch while dodging a kick from Recoome at the same time.

"Present for ya!!" Nozuko  threw Guldo straight at Recoome, and a shockwave exploded out from the impact.

"OWWWWWW!!" Recoome cried out, blood spitting out from his throat as he and Guldo were sent hurling into the sky.

Ginyu moved in, throwing punch and kick after punch and kick.  Nozuko just grinned and used her one finger to block each and every blow. "Now this is just pathetic. You really think a demon like myself will be satisfied with such a lack luster performance?"

"DAMN IT!!!" Ginyu roared as he continued to punch and kick as fast as he could. "DAMN IT ALL!!!'

"You like dances right Ginyu!? Well let me show you.. the dance.. of BEATING PATHETIC LITTLE WHELPS!!!"

Nozuko disappeared in a blur of speed, then multiple afterimages of her blinked in and out of existence all around Ginyu, dealing 360 degree barrages, from above, below, the side, everywhere.. flames exploding from each impact.

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