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(From now on, I'll be using Final Fantasy songs as the theme for this book, as I think it best fits the atmosphere I'm trying to convey

The burning feeling disappeared after a few days. During that time, Pumkin tried to ignore it by doing her normal chores, which involved accompanying and guarding Emiline, feeding and bathing Alexander, scrubbing the floors, etc.

By far it was a better job than any she had ever had back in her old life.

Kozuki's job had been at a cafe where her manager constantly treated her like a pig. The only thing that ever kept her working there was because she couldn't find openings anywhere else near to where she dual enrolled.

She was young, even for a dual enrollment student, so other students tended to belittle her. The only thing that had kept her going, was her dream to go to culinary school and open a five star restaurant.

This job however, had plenty of benefits. Not only did she and Cara obtain free lodgings. But for once Pumkin felt she had somebody more like a parent than her father ever was.

Krillin made sure the two of them brushed their teeth before they went to sleep, and constantly nagged Pumkin to have a proper breakfast.

Mr. Manaka would just slap a week old pancake on a plate, pour some beer in a bowl of cereal and grunt at Kozuki to leave him alone every time she asked him to take her to the dentist's.

Krillin might have been short. His Japanese voice actor might sound like a child.. but Kozuki could not be more appreciative of anybody.

Vegeta didn't work in the house of course. And he was much too prideful to be seen with an apron and dustpan doing any cleaning. But he made his usefulness known as silent watchful guard who stood at the Boderick Family gate, warding away salespeople with his silent glare alone..

he claimed he needed no work, and he only stayed because he was interested in the potential of Pumkin and Cara. But all the same, it was nice.

But deep inside, Pumkin felt dirty, tainted. As if the brand on her back was taunting her.. 

she didn't know what it meant.. she didn't want to know. The terrible nightmare that she had experienced after being wounded by Janemba had rooted in her mind one fact.

She was weak compared to the dangers of this world. And this brand was a symbol of that.. 

Just feeling it on her back made her look at herself with disgust.

She needed a way to distract herself from this feeling of uselessness. To somehow become what Cara needed, what she herself needed.

And that was when she figured it out.. late one Tuesday as she and Cara were sweeping off the front porch of the manor.

Krillin was outside, jumping around, practicing a few martial arts moves on empty air.. "Gotta keep in shape!" was what he always said..

Pumkin stood up, her eyes wide. She knew what to do. She ran out into the yard towards the gate.

"Wha-what are you doing!?" Cara stammered, running after Pumkin. "Wait we have to finish the porch! What's wrong!?"

Pumkin came to a halt in front of a surprised Vegeta and got to her knees, bowing as low as she could muster in her desperation. "VEGETA!!! TRAIN ME!! PLEASE!!!"

Vegeta stared at Pumkin, his eyebrows raised.

Cara, realizing what Pumkin was doing, skidded to a halt and also got on her knees. "ME TOO! Please.. TRAIN ME!!!"

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