Birth of a Monster

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( I do intend to use Super characters such as Goku Black and Hit)

Down in a cave far to the south of Eris, the village in which our heroes now work and stay, a group of bandits were gathered... or at least that's what the regime of Gods called them. They liked to think of themselves as a liberation front.

They were what people called the Frost Elves.

They didn't really prefer cold environments or anything, they were merely called that because of their beauty, pointed ears, and snow white hair. 

The Frost Elves here, were known as the God Liberation front. Those who believed the gods such as Gozak who organized the Games, were false gods who were in fact tyrants. Their leader, was a tall serene man with long hair, named Krieg

However, their crusade with the gods was fraught with casualties.

To deal with them, the gods had labeled eliminating any member of the God Liberation Front as a quest objective for Gamers.

So as a result, many Gamers, in order to meet the 2 quests a week death sentence limit, were forced to come after any God Liberation Front member they met. 

They were easily spotted by their bronze scrap armor, scavenged from the Dreg Bots they destroyed. And while most of them had weapons consisted of Plasma swords, some among their number were capable of using Argeist.. a strange force that used the life force of their own bodies to drastically increase strength and natural abilities.

Krieg was one such man. He possessed a punch that could devastate small mountains if he wanted. However, he knew his forces were running short.. they needed options.

Then one day, they found an option. Several scouts had come across a strange blue sphere floating around in a river nearby.. Krieg immediately recognized it as one of the Character Summons that were carried by gamers, possessing many strange and powerful allies that they could call to their side.

If they were low on numbers then, it was time to use the weapons of these gods against them. 

Krieg called a meeting that night, He stood in the torchlight on a wooden stage, looking down at the grim faced Frost Elves before him.. His face was handsome, but grim as well, as he had seen plenty of horrors in his lifetime already.

He held up the sphere before him. "In here.. lies a new ally to the cause!!! The gods think they can just take our homelands, and tell us to worship them, like dogs, like a bunch of meat Sacks!! But no more...  after this abomination of the gods is given life, and joins us, we will find more of these Summoning Orbs.. and call an army of the god's creations to stand with us!! We will be unstoppable!"

The group cheered, raising electric spears and glowing plasma blades in their hands. 

"These Gods and their Automatons! Will rule no more!!! There are no deities in Aegis!!!" Krieg pressed the button of the orb, and threw it into the air.

There was an explosion of smoke and sound....

Krieg grinned as he watched a shadow emerge from within..

However the 'ally' that emerged was not what he expected.

From what he had seen, most of the beings he had witnessed Gamers use, were overall human-like in appearance. Characters like Paladin Dance from Fallout, or others.  Even a few robotic allies... (obviously didn't see many Destiny players.)

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