They Meet: Peter's Side

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    Some people may say my job is stupid or I am a menace, but they don't know who I really am. I'm just a 16 year-old trying to protect my city. Today is especially hard because I have a English test, but this idiot Rhino had to show up today of all days!

"Hey Rhino come show me what you got!" I teased him.

He charges at me, but I swing away. Being a hero is hard, but people don't understand what kind of pressure I'm under. Balancing hero duties and high school can be a challenge, but I can take it.

Rhino is a nonstop tornado. He runs around trying to destroy everything thing insight I guess that's why they call him The Rhino.
I try to get him away from Time Square to stop destroying everything when I see this little boy. Debris is about to fall right on top of him. I shoot myself over there to help him when this girl about my age sprints towards him.

"Hey! Look out!" She screamed while plunging to him while quickly grabbing his shirt collar to get him out of the way.

I have never seen anyone try to protect anyone but themselves, everyone here in New York are selfish, but she was different she ran to get him in a heartbeat with no care of it falling on her as well. I have seen this girl before haven't I? I can't recall.

Rhino swings from behind to hit me, but the good old Spidey-sense has got my back and I kick him right in jaw and Rhino falls down to the ground.
    When the police saw he was down they quickly hand-cuffed him and put him in the S.W.A.T. van.

When they finished putting him in the van I looked over to my left to see the same girl talking to the little 6 year-old crying, little boy. He must have been so scared, but the girl was taking good care of him. She helped him stop crying then I walked over there and she and the boy smile at me. The girl looks at the little boy and says

"Look it's Spider-man! Why don't you say hi?"

The little boy looks at me and doesn't even pay one more thought about her while he runs up to hug me. She didn't even care that he wasn't grateful anymore. I could she that she would rather a little kid like him believe I saved him even though I didn't I just can't help but think
"You shouldn't be hugging me I didn't save you."

But I stopped myself for his sake and said

"hey buddy I like your shirt! It kinda reminds me of something, but I don't remember what."

He laughs and so do I. He was wearing a red and blue shirt with my logo on it.

   He smiled then he saw his mom in the distance running towards him and

he yelled "Mommy!" and gave her a big hug.

She smiled at me with tears in her eyes and said "Thank you Spider-man"

but this time I couldn't help myself and

I said "it wasn't me ma'am you should be thanking her" as I directed my hand to the girl still standing there.

The girl was shocked to here me say that. She thought I would take all the credit for it yet she didn't care even if I did. The lady smiled and thanked her then walked away hand and hand with her son.
   I looked at the girl and couldn't help but notice her hat, a Yankees ball cap, I have the same one that my uncle Ben gave to me when I was 3.

"Thank you for helping me. If it wasn't for you that kid wouldn't be here right now."

She smiled and looked down at the concrete. "I was just helping out."

We had an awkward silence, but for some reason it felt good. She looked at her watched that read 7:45 am and said
"I have to get to school! I can't be late...again."

I wanted to talk to her more so I asked

"Could I walk you there, you know for safety "

She laughed and nodded her head.

  "So you like the Yankees?" I said trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah my dad takes me to every game."

That must be nice.

"That's cool I have that same hat." I replied.

She straighten her hat like she was proud of it. We talked for awhile till we got to her school. That must be why I know her she goes my school but where have I seen her? Maybe she has a class with me. It's hard to pay attention to detail when you have to juggle being a superhero and a full time high school student while getting straight A's at the same time.

"Well thank you for the escort but I need to get to class. See you around." She says as she tips her hat at me.

I web sling to the top of the school just so she doesn't she me walk in as Peter Parker.

I rush to class just in time when I see her sitting in the back of the class room. I guess it would make sense in why I couldn't figure where I have seen her in school she sits in the back and I sit in the front. I get nervous feeling like she's watching every move I make, but it doesn't make sense I wasn't scared of her when I was Spider-man.

   I want to talk to her after class, but I got this gut-wrenching feeling. What if she doesn't like me? What if I say something wrong? These questions flood my mind.

"Peter?" The teacher says. "Do you know the answer?"

Why do you ask me now!? I always answer the questions and they day I was lost in thought was the day she had to pick me.

I nervously say "I don't know."

She was stunned and a little agitated that I wasn't listening all of a sudden someone said


I looked over my shoulder to see the girl answered it.

"Correct. Now let's move on." The teacher replied.

I just don't understand she never answers any questions or at least I didn't think she did back when she was just another girl in the class.

   When class was over I was determined to talked to her. I wanted to talk to her but I'm not Spider-man anymore I'm just Peter Parker. Why would she want to talk to me? As she was walking out of class she looked at me an smiled. This gave me more courage to say something to her.

I ran over to her and said "Hey! I-I'm Peter."

Did I really just stutter out of all the things, but she answered like she didn't even cared I did.

"Hi Peter I'm (y/n)." She replied.

At least I got her name I was to afraid to say anything else but I pushed it out of me

"Nice to meet you (y/n)I like your hat." I replied trying to act all cool while I could feel myself sweating.

"Thanks! a lot of people have been saying that." She said with a smile.

Yeah I kind of said it twice once as Peter and once as Spider-man.

    "Well I've got to go I'll see you around Peter." She said.

"Bye (y/n)." I said as we went are separate ways.

I wish I would've said more. Spider-man would've said more. When I'm Spider-man I can talk to her with breaking a sweat, while I just get all nervous and clammy. I just have to figure out how to talk to her as Spider-man.

But how?

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