Bye Peter...

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When I got to him everyone was crowding around. I pushed everyone one away and in a fake New Yorker accent you said "get outta here! Move it! Don't crowd 'em!" Everyone cussed me out and walked away.
When everyone left you quickly turned to the hero on the ground and dragged him into the alley and took off his mask.

I sighed "oh Peter..."

He drew a quick punch at my face but thank God I have had martial art, boxing and gymnastics training since I was 2.

I grabbed his hand before he made contact with my face.

"Hey-hey-hey Peter its me! It's (y/n)"

He winced looking at me


he looked at me not recognizing me. Then he looked at my hat. He jumped up


He hugged me.

"What are you doing here!?"

"I'm here for the summer."

"Why didn't you tell me we could've met in better look amazing." He gazed into my eyes.

"Thank you." I blushed which made him blush. There was a hushed silence between us but it felt good.

It was ruined by your phone ringtone. You snapped. Back to reality and looked at the collar ID.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"Oh just my ex-boyfriend." You said ignoring the call.

"Oh so you-uh- boyfriend- yeah." He looked hurt and I couldn't help but feel like I did something wrong.

"Yeah well we-um we are kinda not speaking. And by we i mean...well me. It's complicated but I don't think it will last. He will probably stop calling my by tomorrow."

"Oh..." he said looking at the ground.

Why did I say that!? I'm such an idiot!?

"Peter look I came here to hang out with my dad and I missed you. I-um I-look I-I still like you Peter!" I should've shut my mouth before it even opened.

"Really!? I-um I-"

"HELLLLLPPPP!" You heard from across the street.

"I have to go! I'll see you later (y/n)!" He said running as he put his mask back on.

"Bye Peter..." I said as I slumped down on the brick wall and held my knees together.

I shouldn't have said that. Why did I say that!? I'm such an idiot. I'll just call him and maybe we can hang out just as friends.

It's been two years. Two years!? He could already have another girlfriend by now. Maybe even Liz Allen. The girl he liked for years before I was ever even introduced to him.

Liz Allen why am I so jealous of her right now. I don't even know if they are together and I'm still jealous of her.

I decided that was enough city life for the day and walked back to the big apartment to eat ice cream and binge watch Netflix till my dad comes home.

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